Ren'Py - Area69 [v0.81] [k78Games]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has the potential of 5 stars, but without any animation I can not give more than 4 stars. This is a very detailed game in detail.
    The characters are quite diverse and of all kinds. And really well designed
    It's a good start, the graphics are great, it has a good mystical environment, but running around in vain is worth the time for me as long as there are hints or tips.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I was super excited to play this VN, not gonna' lie.

    The Good:

    I love the aesthetic. The very beginning of the game has a like, cheesy movie vibe to it, with the whole "introduce the cast" thing, and I adored that.

    It's a VN that never takes itself too seriously as well, and you gotta' respect that aspect.

    The character models are great. They don't look 100% flawless all of the time, which is a plus to me, because who does, IRL?

    Something about the quests and how they're introduced really appealed to me. It triggered some sandbox nostalgia for me when I'd wander in somewhere and get hit with a new quest screen.

    I love the paranormal/horror aspects of the game so much. We need more horror VNS!

    The Meh:

    The energy meter is pretty annoying, but I played with a mod on, so it was never too big a deal for me. I'd highly recommend anyone do the same to avoid frustration.

    Everything leads to sex. Yeah, I get it's an adult VN, but it still gets a bit redundant.

    The English could use a bit of work, not the worst, but not the best either.

    The Bad:

    This game is absolute death to my laptop for some reason, which is weird. The main menu is especially harsh.

    The title of the VN is a little too on-the-nose. Kinda' dates the game a bit from the jump, imo.


    A clunky, but fun game. Would give it 5* but I'll knock one off for the slight flaws the game does have, and for it almost bricking my laptop anytime I run the thing.

    5* potential, though.

    Edit: Rating bumped down to 3* for having random game over screens (ones without continues. You literally have to reload from your last save. And heavy NTR. Though they are just dream scenarios, an NTR tag should really be added here.

  3. 4.00 star(s)


    pretty good game
    with hq render(art/pict) and also i though the story will be boring but no, this game like a parody(u know if u have play the game) but hey dev theres one thing i dont really like it ingame n theres no option to avoid it,guess what if u dont interact this girl u wont get another scene for the other girl n for what when u get the other girl their scene just a blink of eye not much like the other girl u dont like,
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    well yes theres plenty tiime to change for the future for me now is im playing v0.70
    dont forget u will love the romance of fantasy[fiction] story in this game, i bet, oh btw actually u dont really need the incest pattch theres not many scene go for incest but yeah if u want see bet bettter not play with the patch
    *myenglishbad well at least im giving my opinion
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    (trial no. 3)
    Girls are good rather it's mc who's more creeper than all other creepy characters, sandbox is okayish, animations aren't that well made but bearable, looked promising at the beginning but now it's all over the place.
    I couldn't go further some scenes were turnoff, well if it's your genre then go for it. Girls you like getting raped, molested is what happening.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    The sandbox is entertaning and gameplay elements are very interesting like the contacts list wher you can message people to gain relationship points, that is interesting.
    The questlog an the inventory stuff is decent to look at and item that have several uses have a healthbar. Items in general are quite expensive, but is not hard to make money.

    The girls look decent and there is a lot of variety, there are a lot of "normal" woman that i think look kind of gross but to each their own.

    Lewd scenes are not the best from a technical point of view, but somehow they work , at least for me, but to actually be good and have impact they need a little something extra visual storytelling, and some added render. The game is full of NTR, there is more NTR sex than player sex, the player as of 0.7 does stuff but i only recall 1 actual sex scene that looks like it, the rest look like a circus and if you add Benny hill music you would probably laugh.(Im not kidding)

    Cause of this approach the dev took i can not say that i am excited to play the game, its kind of Nah!, hit and miss so far. There are interesting things but seriously that kind of parodic approach kills the mood for me.

    And if the game had a good amount of actual content, it wouldnt matter much, but with the current amount, there are few decent scenes, and a good part of the game is ocuppied by the navigation.
    It also needs proofreading cause there are many parts without translation.

    Overal there is potential and interesting ideas there like when the guy masturbates actually recalls past scenes of the selected person, but it is not enough for me to put my faith in the fulfillment of that potential, and thats why the rating.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    now this is just me, I may be highly mistaken or confused. Take it with a pinch of salt.

    This game seems to be very specifically designed around ntr and for ntr. I am a late comer so I got to avoid some of the ntr scenes I heard about.
    However blood moon seems to be bringing that element back real strong. I'm not sure what's with the doctor, but that voyeur scene was not quite what I expected. nothing wrong with the scene, but almost every additional male character is more impressive than the mc. at the moment, he doesn't stand a chance.
    The red choices (based on the first ntr scene) seem to lead to a very willing and asshole like cuck path, while also taking advantage of any vulnerability (based on some of the other red choices). The blue choices seem to lead to a good guy mc but somehow it also seems to make him submissive to most opposition unless it's do or die.
    He really stands no chance at the moment. I haven't finished the current content, but the only vaginal sex scenes involving the MC are with the hooker, the sacred sex haunted household, a teacher and the librarian so far. Maybe more if I grind enough or somehow get the sharp fangs quest while avoiding any and all ntr that seems to be possible (one implied moment; heavily implied based on the story and it seems unavoidable).
    But I've heard of what seems to be proportionally more scenes in the ntr path or more scenes not involving the MC. Hell, the "non ntr" has already shown a few penetration scenes (with other female characters and then blood moon features the mental pictures of the alpha wolf taking Lucy on maybe two diffferent occasions.)
    So to me. This seems to be a game made for ntr but provided with "non ntr" paths to quell outrage. Or at least, based on some other games I've played, the ntr scene will be the first to be released while the alternative will be released after a while.

    If anyone's going to say I got no rights to say anything if I'm not paying for this. To be fair, this is posted on what I've heard others call a piracy site. And I'm here too. So that's an obvious point. But all of us get to put our thoughts here. And I dare say I've been quite civil here, maybe even more than.

    Imma put this in the reviews. This is just here if anyone wants to discuss this opinion (discuss, not quite argue. Maybe debate by sharing points) as one can't really comment on a review
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3589835

    This game has some of the best animations and character designs out there! The missions and character development is just top notch! Especially all of the hidden scenes you can discover! I was laughing so hard during most of the hilarious dialogue scenes at times. Only downside is no guidance for completing certain achievements.

    Additionally I wish there was an option to turn off the sleep/energy requirement. It became super annoying when I would be in the middle of a scene and then the MC would pass out and wake up in the hospital. You can go a day without sleep, and it's especially annoying when I just slept, then 10 hrs later the MC passes out. Comeon now :rolleyes:

    The third pet peeve is having literally only one of the missions be fully complete as in you're able to fully finish the mission without the game saying "Mission Pending", and this is the learning to program mission. Dev I would rather wait longer for fully completed missions, than for 98% of them to just stop halfway. You have about 10 missions and out of them all only 1 is complete and the rest just say "pending".

    This wouldn't be an issue if you had a good track record of the saves from previous updates being compatible with new ones, but since this is not the case spending all that time doing missions only to have them incomplete seems like a huge waste of time especially if I have to keep restarting the game from scratch each update.

    The final input is the deal with the sister and her whole "i'm shy routine" what's the point of going through lockpicking the door slipping her sleeping pills into drink just to have the dude fap in front of her saying how much he wants to screw her. And for the love of all that is holy please include better instructions for starting missions.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Genius! it has just enough story to keep this from being braindead, but not too much to make you ashamed of wasting too much time on masturbating. Renders are top notch, writing is good, UI design is exceptional and unique. Quests are intriguing enough, not too long and boring.

    My only slight complaint is that pacing can be a bit fast with Julia..
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I fell in love with this after playing it. Various milf characters and dynamic animations stimulate the desire to play. Compared to other games, there are so many heroines, so I'm slightly worried if they'll all be updated in the future, but I believe the developer will do enough.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Really well executed themes. Enjoy the gameplay. Love the extras in trophies and cards. Wish there was more NTR happening in the background. Have just patreoned and look forward to more material. Really appreciate the variety of character models. Could start going for more peers the MC's purported age. Great job!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty good game! Basically a mashup of every horror/sci-fi thing you can think of: aliens, vampires, demons, fitness teachers, you name it. None of the storylines are very finished, but there's plenty of content and it's a good mix of story quests and optional/repeatable stuff.

    A nice variety of models, there are some that you might not find conventionally attractive but that's the spice of life!

    I don't have any problems with the sandbox implementation because most things are low-stakes. There's not really a failure condition and after the first couple weeks of training stats you can have all the money you want.

    I do think the Arousal mechanic is annoying. The MC will jizz in his pants if the arousal meter hits 100%, which has the potential of interrupting the current scene. It's just a pointless addition that causes needless friction if you trigger too many scenes in a day. I would suggest anyone similarly bothered by it should mod it out.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    When I started playing I had low expectations but I am happy to say that I was positively surprised, an entertaining story with ridiculous moments, good renders, good animations, good characters, good sandbox.

    In summary, do not hesitate to try it.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    What do you do if you can't write a good quality story? Simple you make it an endless nightmare of point and clicks on a sandbox style map. Oh and then to make it all the more of a hair pulling experience for the player you make it a series of small tasks with small rewards that must also be completed as well to be able to achieve other tasks.

    Lets talk about items that are in the game and able to added to the inventory but are never used and serve absolutley no purpose. Or we can also talk about one that is in the game and can be used but there is no benifit gained from it when there very well should be. First Item is the lockpick. Why is it there? You can spend a nice chunk of money on it but you never use the damn thing at all. Does not matter what his moral standing (personality?) is. Oh I could use this but I better not do it with them in there. WTF? Why have sleep sex if he isn't going to be able to do it? Sleeping pills so they can sleep the sleep of the angels as he put it. WHY? So you can just not use the lockpick to get in to have sex with them now that you knocked them out? And on that train of thought. Our boy can break the lock on the bathroom door but no option to do the same with their bedroom doors? Really?

    So much potential is wasted with this game. Why does the programming never get checked off as completed. Do the job. Get paid. Skill is at maximum. Never clears out of objective list. Everything else is gone just not that. But its a point and click hell game so what do you expect.

    The characters are interesting enough to keep you interested. The principle is vomit central though. The hooker is almost as bad. But it gets a bit overboard on the musclebound chicks in this game. Not my thing and I am not gonna knock it if its yours but 1 is sufficient. 3 is kind of overkill.

    There are hints at activities that never occur in the game. Go find us someplace private and there is no place that meets those in game requirements. Apparently empty rooms don't count as you don't get to bang your cousin in school. Just a teaser. Lucy isn't bangable in the shower like her mom either. Neither is Daniels mom. Like I said so much wasted potential.

    Hope if this gets continued there is an addition of pregnancy as well. And maybe the Dev will actually look up what sleep sex is and put the advertised item into the actual gameplay. Or is he counting the BJ from Julia at the late gameplay as MC is waking up as the sleep sex? Certainly hope that is not the case with lockpicks and sleeping pills actually being items in the game. Granted useless items but they are already there.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Game was much better than I expected, played for four hours. A good sandbox gameplay with the low amount of grind, nothing excessive:

    - Beautiful renders with mostly good use of lighting. But a little oversharpened (especially skins).
    - Big character variety for every taste milf, gilf, ugly, pretty, petite, monster, WTF, holly hell, etc.
    - Good amount of content for one year development time.
    - Helpful quest tracker, very good UI, easy to navigate, enjoyable exploration.
    - Writing is very simple, maybe too simple at times, not much story or slow pacing. Game knows what it is. No walls of text, not a romance VN. A fast paced fantasy/horror porn parody.
    - Some neat and original gameplay/story moments.

    As I understand previous versions were problematic, so looks like the dev did a good job fixing the issues. Also dev should add option for changing relations, you can clearly see the original intention and it feels awkward now. And also to be able to change other characters' names would be good too.

    You can see that dev put a lot of effort into it. Technically it's a well polished sandbox game with fun gameplay, good visuals and interesting ideas. If you're looking for something serious or mushy, then it's not for you.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I wish to extend my congratulations to the person (s) who made this truly incredible work possible. His work is too good and impressive from all aspects.

    You can appreciate the art in every detail, element. The story is very good resembling a real life story.
    Flawless development. I congratulate you.
  16. 5.00 star(s)



    One of the few new great games.

    It just brilliant execution of plain old young guy packed with big dick has hareem problem.

    Character design is good, renders good. Interface is good and need minor polishing.

    Game may grinding you can avoid with mod...
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is okay. It's not bad. It's not amazing. It's okay. Worth a play if you're running out of things to play. I don't consider it a waste of my time, but I also think it took more of my time than it ought to have (based on the type of experience it provided).

    • Multiple women, most of which are attractive (also tied to a con)
    • Unique story (also tied to a con)
    • Replayable scenes with multiple angles
    • Built-in guide/quest tracker of sorts... doesn't tell you everything though
    • Quite a few ugly women. This is subjective obviously but there are some really old women, some really muscular women, etc
    • Too many women = takes a long time to get content for them
    • Story kinda takes itself seriously but it's kinda not a great story at the same time.
    • Unavoidable psuedo-NTR with the "landlady" character (vampire rapes her)
    • Quite grindy, lot of actions that you have to repeat multiple times all for "muh progression"
    Mixed Feelings:
    • Animation exists, sort of. Its like a 6-picture slide show being played quickly. It works. Would have liked actual animation
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Gotta say this was a decent surprise for me. Now I'm not a huge NTR fan but I'm not bother by it in terms of plot progression, and this would be the biggest turn off for alot of people here when it comes to the story where the main characters dilemma is focusing more on getting the girls out of situations or taking advantage. For example Julia, and then her sister Emma and her entire family. Emma's family is being haunted and possessed by nymphs ghosts where they're fucked or possessed into fucking everything. And then Julia is being mind controlled by vampires in situations. However the game itself is great. The animations are top notch, the story is decently engaging on all character plots the MC pursues, and the newest 0.6 update has added ALOT of good content to the existing story already, plus adding and expanding more on scenes. The grind is a little on the high side, but the cheat mod linked in the thread helps immensely without truly effecting the experience In a negative way. I can honestly say I'm excited to see how this progresses from here on out
  19. 2.00 star(s)



    Honestly very hard to rate this game.
    The content i,e renders, characters and story ranges from great to interesting, but it's such a shame that it comes in such a, frankly "shit" package.

    The map and UI is so grossly convoluted and hard to get around, even with time spent to get used to the setup it's still impossible imo to get a flow going where you go"from here to there".

    The fact that obviously a lot of time and effort has gone into making the sandbox side of this is so infuriating, because apart from some almost impossible rng scenes, and that it is super tricky/hard to know where and when to activate scenes, the whole og it is really well done.

    I tried it two times.
    First time I shortly gave up cause of the grind.
    Second time I installed some hacked saves with lotsa $ and full relationship for all the LIs to make the start easier. Unfortunately that meant that one quest got bugged, but it seems it was a relatively unimportant one.

    After over 4hrs of playing through, I am still only at 83% (84/101 scenes), and it's not for a lack of trying. There is also forks in the story, which I can honestly say I didn't care for. It only means I have to spend even more time to get maybe only 2-4 special scenes, which is hidden behing lots of other already seen scenes of course.

    There are good thingsabout the UI like I mentioned, but it's the standard ones, good quest menu, hints are helpful to a degree and it's looking really well-made.

    Less really is more, and would ring true for this game if it were, less unnecessary features to slog through.

    Characters are the best part of this game and comes in many shapes and sizes.

    Writing has loads of spelling errors and wrong prounouns etc...
    Story is interesting with a big mix of many mythological & sci-fi creatures.

    At some points the flow of the scenes fall apart and it gets very disjointed since there are a lot of characters and equally many stories, with many of them unfortunately not mixing together, so solution is to not have any structure other than that MC gets dragged around in many crazy scenarios.

    It's har to rate it as it honestly deserves 3 stars as it. 5 stars if it were simpler to get around between scenes.
    But as it stands and I haven't even gotten all the scenes after countless attempts it lands at a 2.5/5 stars.

    P.S. There are many other things that can be saidabout the game, both good and bad but I got tiredof finding reasons justify the rating. It honestly deserves a better rating...
  20. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4053539

    What is the purpose of tags if they are not used? That scene with Julia is disgusting, it's a new level of NTR. And why do people insist on creating sandbox games? These types of games are always a buggy mess. They should create a new tag called Grinding, as spending several hours doing the same thing to pretend the game has content isn't much fun.