Unity - Battle for Luvia: Armored Romance [v0.21c] [Seventh Vixen]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm afraid the language put me off completely and I couldn't quite manage an hour before I gave up and deleted it.

    Other than that the animations aren't great, many of the characters look entirely too weird (much older than they should be, incredibly dirty, or just outright facially misshapen) or just plain hideous and the tcker tape text box is annoying as hell in a game set in the medieval era.

    It's a shame, since many of the other review leads me to believe the game would be worth playing, but it needs a huge amount of polish if I'm to give it another go.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a detailed adult game, with great story, lore, and medieval politics, and some RPG and adventure game elements, including different paths depending on choices and how items are used.

    Scenes and characters are usually pretty hot. The art is unique, so give it a chance!

    Players should expect to experiment or use a walk-through to find all of the scenes. It can be a bit difficult to skip forward, as the game has some transitions that require player input, like selecting where to go next on a map.

    The engine creaks a bit under the ambition of the game. Potatoes will have issues running this game.

    Curious to see more of the story unfold!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The nudity helps with the adult theme of the game, but even if it didn't exist, this game would still rock. The scenes are great and the story is amazing. Keep going, guys. This is one that can be huge.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I'll be succinctish

    This to me is an actual porn GAME, In the sense that the game part is actually fun. It has, and I use this analogy loosely, a Bioware feel to it. You are a hero trying to save a kingdom, you have to gather resources, make deals, kill bad guys and woo ladies. Your choices seem to matter and you can complete things with varying degrees of success. You can fuck more than one girl but sometimes a choice may lock you out of one. All very Bioware-esque imo (please don't crucify me).

    I understand this isn't the next mass effect but for a game on a porn site, with lots of porn in it, this is actually as solid as they come. If you're looking for a porn game ala Treasure of Nadia this aint it chief. You play this to have a little fun (not have to alt tab during the talking bits of mass effect to watch porn) not to beat your dick until it cries.

    PS gimmie that sister.
  5. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2465880


    Nice medieval setting, interesting characters with stylised look, unrivaled game mechanics for a lewd game


    Game feels sluggish, Overall UI looks dated, bad 'jiggle' physics, possibly too ambitous
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game completely unique in its style. It needs more support.

    The good

    Regular updates (every 2/3 months). And active developer on patreon.
    The story is one of the most interesting here, a Game of Thrones style of story, without the fantasy elements and focused on the dinasties strugles.
    The game by itself it s also great with three layers of maps, yet easy to manage, and multiple locations with a multitude of characters. It really gives you the filing of a world you can explore, and moreover it expands with every update.
    The choices are also one of its best assets. There are 4 paths, althought you you can combined them. Every one has a ditinct trait who change the MC personality, his outcome and his "rewords".
    Also a great interface.
    The graphics are a complex issue. They are the most unique trait. Generally they are great, both colourful and barroque with a particular care for lightdarks and shine. Most of the time they are a work of art.

    The bad
    The porn itself. Althought there are plenty of women and some re quite beautifull, half of them re not, and most of them have something that is not right. Sometimes is a nose to big, sometimes is a face to old, sometimes they re dirty or to muscular. In particular the legs are usually to fat and the pussies are a little wierd. Generally are more realistic than you wish. The animations dont feel natural most of the times.
    However there are a lot of beautifull faces and some great body types. And as long as the game grows the developer learns too. The game has some action with 20 different girls so there is plenty to choose and that number its going to keep growing.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my most favorite games on the site. The attention to detail in this game is amazing, with diverse set of characters, body types and personalities. The dev is also extremely gracious and personable. I've been a patron of this game since its first release and the updates are consistent and ambitous. I dont think there's a single medieval based game on the site better than this one.

    The h-scenes are sufficiently dirty, and the dialogue is thoughtful and intelligent. I only have good things to say about this game and highly recommended you play it.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    A unique game which is worth the time, very immersive and it's not just a point clicking game.
    Good diversity for the character's development and part. I believe this is a very good feature of the game to be build and improve on (e.g. path allowing the MC to be a loyal knight or a baron)
    For me, the voice is a bit odd, but not really a huge deal.
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 494300

    This is a really hard game to rate, because on one hand it has some great/ unique things going for it while on the other there are a lot of issues.

    -Choices seem to matter, and you are forced to consider what you are going for
    --There seems to be interesting political intrigue going on and you are forced to choose sides and live with your choices
    I have to give it credit for making choices matter and having logical follow through.
    Normally when making a strategic choice in a game I over think and make a choice based on logic and how I feel about the choice, however most games never really need this level of thought. In this game, I made choices that I was called out for as being suboptimal, though I stand by my choices. Just having consequence for my choices was great, but having people in universe say wtf are you doing was the icing on the cake.
    -An rpg like game based on Medieval Feudalism, if you like CK2 this might draw your attention

    -Graphics are not great
    --Images are often grainy
    --Character designs are often not attractive
    --The sex scenes themselves are often rough with what looks like rag doll animations used, it just isn’t that smooth
    --Characters are dirty as fuck, some being caked in dirt
    --I feel like a lot of the sex animation is just fucking using the tip

    --The Prologue in particular is terrible. Damn near every sentence is arranged weirdly, misspelled, or just uses the wrong words. The DEV should really clean this up, as I would think a lot of people would never get through it due to this.

    This game is hard to rate, because on one hand I like how it manages to make an interesting story, but on the other the game is trapped in a weird sort of in-between space.

    If you stripped out the sex scenes, added a little more fighting and made the fighting scenes a little smoother, this game would be an interesting indie game. As is, the sex scenes are not great and you end up with a game that is interesting in its own right and has some sex in it, but doesn’t fully commit to either.

    The game is a weird contradiction where the graphic design is not great, but the grainy images seem to salvage it. I feel like in a higher res the graphics would be glaringly bad. The Dev often makes spelling and word choice errors, but then maybe some are intentional? Sometimes the spelling seem to be designed to reflect old timey spelling and even some mistakes I would normally attribute to a fat finger spelling error is repeated. As an example a potion contains “rag blood.” Now I would assume with a QWERTY keyboard that was a mistake, but then this spelling is used again a few sentences later. Is this supposed to be an accent?

    I also want to point out that the MC’s dick is fat, like really fat. This is neither a plus or minus for me but I found it amusing compared to the limp dough dick a lot of devs make due to making their dicks too big and thin.

    This game had a lot in it that I wanted to like, but for now the graphics and quality of sex scenes really threw me off.
    The game is a great attempt, but is currently a little too rough on the polish for me.
    If the negatives I mentioned are not triggers for you, then you might really enjoy this game.
    I would give it a 3.5 but rounded to 4.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game. The models are fresh, a much wider variety of models than you see in most games, and the graphics are incredible.

    The story is good enough not to have porn in it, which is a huge plus.

    The only thing that could use improvement is the UI, which isn't very user-friendly, but it's early on in the development and it looks from internal notes that it will be reformed.

    I'm also happy to volunteer fixing some of the text, I do marketing copy for a living so if the developer(s) want my help, I'd be happy to freely volunteer to edit it.

    Strongly recommend, and I am happy to be patronizing the developer.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like this game. The models are refreshing for a change and the plot actually makes sense. The diverging routes (I think?) give you a sense of purpose and the chess mini-game was a pretty nice touch. I actually managed to beat my sister without distracting her. I had to try a few times though since the no-pawn-promotion restriction means you can't go for even or slightly beneficial trades.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    The game includes excellent scenes and the start to a compelling story with decision trees that can effect the outcome. If you're looking for a game with semi-sandbox style, middle ages setting, and decent quests/story this one might be a good fit. The characters you can have h scenes with all seem to have unique bodies and actions. Over all I look forward to the next addition.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This game sure is a great play and I'm excited for future updates, not your typical game set up by Day 1, day 2, landlady, rommie, etc... It has chapters.
    The medieval setting is well developed, the choices are important.If you like to read a engaging story instead of skip to sex scene give it a try, and believe me.......plenty of sex in this one.

    Usually i don't like unity (ren'py is better) but this game changed my mind, keep the good work dev.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    So this game has decent story. It isn't the best but it is ok. I can deal with the language not being great and I can deal with only being able to save during rest scenes. What I can't deal with is the characters. The main character is absolutely hideous and looks like he was on some ancient meth. Almost every female character looks as if the guy wanted us to laugh at these girls instead of sleep with them. There is a few beauties but almost everyone of them are absolutely hideous to look at. I tried to look pass the appearances of the charcters but that just leave reading the game only. Not enjoying the graphics or anything else about the game. Unfortuanately this game is a hard pass for me. The three stars I gave is for the developer actually trying and also releasing what could be a great story. If not ruined by the characters.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    So far, an excellent game that deserves more attention (and support). The medieval setting is not just a mere excuse to have women in armors, or to have sex with countess or duchess ; there is a real attention to some details (especially with the buildings and a few with politics). The scenario and character development are good. The art is really good (the generic models used in a lot of games are absent this time :)). Just some minor bugs to report (and most of them can be resolved by reloading a previous save).
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a unique game. There is a medieval setting with lords houses and politics. Render and girls are beautiful. There are lot of a choices and really feels that every choice is matter. Although sex scenes really needed to be improved this game deserve it because everything else is fantastic.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Simply excellent. Not text heavy. Got nice adventure feeling. The characters are deep. Choices matter. Good story so far. Its actually feels like a game. Also there is no game over. u just branch to different path
    Cons: The models and lightings can be better
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a very very underrated gem, I hope it gets more following and support. The Story is told amazingly well, the atmosphere is just right, and characters are complex. With time and updates, this can turn out to be one of the best medieval adult VNs out there! Love it!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an excellent game set in a fictional medieval setting that happens to feature porn elements and visuals but not loosing the medieval esthetic and atmosphere. The story is wonderfully written with an engaging plot and plenty of dialogue and story choices with lasting impact, as well as featuring a character relations affection bar influencing the interactions and an easy to use and helpful UI with various functions. The game world consists of a large map filled with locations that are gradually implemented as the development of the game moves forward and features a wide number of distinct characters and various different factions that have an impact on the story.

    In short, the game is very ambitious and features plenty of fun and well-implemented game mechanics and non-sex related content to elevate it far above just a simple porn game and is very well worth trying out.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Truly a hidden gem, a rough diamond that is slowly but surely being carefully polished with each update.

    The game feels quite story rich and realistic for its medieval setting, there are no "universally beautiful" people, just an attractive imperfect cast of what if feels like authentic people from the lowest of the serfs to the bitchiest of the queens.

    The CGs are sweet and abundant, the transitions are often enriched by some interesting choice of both filters and sound effects, although there might be some inconsitencies animation-wise here and there (some are smooth, others have some quirks), there is plenty of content overall. Though If you only care for top notch animations above everything else, this might not be the game you are looking for.

    When starting out, It is crucial to take your time to read about the buttons and all the functions at your disposal (to speed up scenes and whatnot), this isn't your everyday Renpy skip and fap game, you have to get used to it. Make also sure to check the excellent walkthrough to not miss all the (many) consequences and side-content to your choices.

    Other than that, really looking forward to its future development!