Unity - Completed - BM Love Cafe [Final] [zzzgame]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Not worth your time, I bought this on Steam on release, tried it for a while, sprite animations aren't good. Amount of grind required to reach any good CGs is way too much, just find something better elsewhere, give this one a miss folks.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    This game can be described in one word — boring

    *it's quite long, so there's a tldr at the bottom for those who are bored to read

    The good:
    • many characters
    • relations between characters
    •quite a good use of AI generated cgs and animations

    The bad:
    • the amount of grind needed here is insane. You literaly are blocked by tens of hours of repeating actions to reach "the good" mentioned above.
    To get new girls I believe you need to get 14k+ fame. To get a camera to make sex tapesyou need 500k gold. That would be fine in a standard game where you update stuff to get more money and fame, but not here. There's no scaling whatsoever (or it's barely noticable). All you can do is repeat a boring gameloop whereyou take orders to the customers and place cameras (that cost fucking a lot) in a toilet for a small chance to get a picture. You can upload said picture to a porn site for 10g/day profit (basically fuck all).
    In the end you end up getting like 6-7k gold and ~200 fame per day (10 mins of gameplay)
    • the amount of sex actions: All you can do is call a girl to your office and fuck her if you managed to find her "secret". If you haven't, then you can rape her and get a game over. Streaming, gaming or calling are in no way realized. They are just jobs for the girls
    • Stats do fuck all. For example, there's a corruption stat that goes up to 20 when you manage to fuck a girl, but it doesn't go higher and changes nothing despite the description saying that it changes her behaviour somehow
    • Translation is done by a monke. If deepl could get a stroke, even then it would do better
    • Bugs. Animations sometimes brake. Ex: a girl just slowly floats away from the screen and you can't assign her anywhere
    • boring repetitive gameplay loop. Make food/drinks to get them to customers. Customers don't react to anything in any way and have no influence on the girls. (well maybe they do in like 120 hours, in 2 hours I managed to get like 2 points of relationships for the girls with some customers, but you need I think 100 for them to start fucking, which btw happens behind the scenes.
    • there's a screenshot here where mc fucks a girl in a bathroom and there are ppl discussing the girl. Believe me, you won't get that scene. At least not in 2 or even in 5 hours. There's no option to take the girls to the cubicle or even in the male bathroom.
    • empty features. Like, you have a phone with your girls contacts, but you can't text them. You can only text new girls to recruit them, but you will get "fuck off" reply from all of them cz you didn't grind the game for long enough.

    TLDR: the game has some good parts about it, but due to the lack of scaling, the extremely slow progression doesn't allow you to get anywhere. If you are ready to waste like 40 hours grinding to get a new character and a new gameplay feature, maybe you'll like it

    For sandbox and management enjoyers I would recommend skipping it. Not worth it.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    This game doesn't have an options menu so that you can adjust the game window so you can see everything since the game plays way blown up so that you can see all the texts and other things you need to click on. Or at least let the player have the option to have the game windowed instead of fullscreen. I couldn't get far into the game because I couldn't click on certain things outside of my viewing distance. Not worth the time.