RPGM - Cyberslayers [v0.4.2 Patch 2] [Maelion]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    god dame, this game is underrated, I can't wait to share it with others. Although it looks like a 3DCG game made with Illsion's engine, the rendering is very good and very immersive. The author also has a good control of the game's rhythm, and it's great to let the player experience the heroine's gradual degradation. We need more public humiliation, pet games... I want to forget the memory of this game now and play it again when the game is completed. Player from China.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    In the Ocean of Incest games, this one is a refreshing and unique gem.
    Yes, it has the Ugly Fat Bastard kink but that for me is not a turn-off.

    What I like about it:
    - Story - not too complicated, with moderately long dialogs
    - Fresh girl designs that we haven't seen from other creators
    - CyberPunk setup which I like a lot
    - Cheeky and humorous lines
    - Last but not least - Big Booobies!

    What I dislike:
    - some events are too repetitive, more skipping options would be awesome
    - too much not-working content, I think it will be better if something shows up later to be excluded from a release, because like that it leaves a sense of unfinished game
    - some bugs that are still present in the game - screen freeze w/o active buttons on-screen, text constantly in a loop or skipping fast forward
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is INCREDIBLY good.

    + There are a lot of things to do,
    + your choices matters,
    + the combat system is non-trivial nor too complicated
    + you can choose to remain pure (and still have sexy fun times) or go full corruption
    + overall great game design

    five star deserved because we need more games like this!

    There are, in my opinion, some minor flaws:
    - RPGM as a game engine is not the right choice. Renpy would make much more sense (IMHO)
    - there are some transition scene which are too long and unskippable, so you waste a lot of time looking at the train in the underground station for example or at a black screen.
    - the maps are not easy to navigate, so i waste time finding the right places.
    - there are a lot of tags missing in the game thread, this makes it difficult to find the game and could expose people to unwanted scenarios.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game, wish you the best in development.
    I didn't face issues with any bugs (I mean that they weren't breaking), EXCEPT one bug... in the bar quest line, there was an event where we seduce the silent guy (I think his name was Joey) then he rape us in the toilet/changing room and we become his slave. after that event, I cannot even start the bar work event, Immediately after changing clothes the scene of Joey's rape starts again from the beginning. hope this bug is fixed next patch, everything else is amazing. I loved the writing the most. very good writing and description for the events. And I loved how deep the game is with so many methods to go through it, and each affect the dialog! even the tiniest of decisions can change the dialog slightly, which comes back to the point of how good the writing is.

    EDIT: apparently, the bug i mentioned above is fixed and I just needed to download the fixpatch in the first page... tehhe ig? anyway, after downloading the fix patch that bug is no more and the game is working properly. AMAZING GAME!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Normally I hate RPG maker games due to the grind and clunky movement. However this game is amazing. It has a good mix of content aproaches and events that add to a the fun of it.
    Next time I play I may just try a purer path to see what that is like.

    Well worth a play.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is insane. I can only give it a 5-star because of the limitation. It might be a model for all RPGM porn games focusing on female protagonist.

    1. Beautiful female characters
    2. A fantastic story in a cyperpunk background
    3. Great music, animation, clothes, and other elements
    4. sexy scene and events
    5. RPGM engine but much easier to play
    6. Straight for pornography, not wasting time in writing bullshit plots

    Play as a innocent girl in the begining, and you can try struggling with inner corrupted mind to stay pure, or just give in it to enjoy pleasure, making yourself molest by disgusting male characters, losing all dignity. That's what female protagonist and corruption are fascinating.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is not finished, so I might revisit this review.

    I won't list all of the good and bad things, just those that stood out to me.

    The good:
    - Time saving features: you can click on an object to fast travel and skip some repeat actions (like putting on cop clothes).
    - Kinky scenarios: porn can be really repetitive. But at the same time porn consumers don't need that much variety or novelty. Cyberslayers isn't entirely original with its set up and development of porn scenarios, but it does the right things just enough to feel very fresh.
    - Clear direction of plot without bloat: I like that the number of plot-relevant characters is kept low, and the direction of plot is straightforward. Better this than adding 20 characters with complex relationships and a messy plot trying to connect all the dots. Here we know the factions, the conflict, and the way to advance.
    - Dialogues change according to your stats and choices: this is a very important feature in 'corruption journey' games like this one.

    The not so good: these things don't really bother me that much, but I still want to point them out
    - Repetition of sex scenes: I see it a lot with devs who use honey select. At the same time I know the dev for this one has limited time and resources, so I can't really expect fully customized scenes (instead of cookie cutter honey select stuff)
    - Side quests feel too self-contained: okay this might feel like an odd thing to complain about since side quests are by definition optional and don't have to be linked to the main plot. Still it's kind of weird to see the heroine gets broken in side quest and this fact does not really change how she behaves in the main quest or in other side quests. Like girl you have been made into a sex pet three times now why do you still have arrogant dialogue lines
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Cyberslayers is really good in all the right ways. The character models are great, the fetishes are great and the scenes are so good. I only wish the skipping function worked better. It can be slow to get through scenes sometimes
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Okay this game has the x factor. There is something with the way it does it scene that just gets your heart racing.

    Most games can create fancy graphics and cool story lines but at the end of the day if doesn't have that x factor, all of those things simply feel arbitrary.

    The team who put this together really know what they are doing and they seem to really put a lot of time into making sure that the scenes just feel right and get you excited yet not quite sure how the next scene will play out.

    The application of the corruption mechanic and how they incorporated the level up system into that in this game is perhaps one of the top notch in the industry in my opinion.

    Absolute genius and every release they make just makes me realize what a mistake it was that I slept on this game for so long.

    Only issue I have would probably that the on banner here doesn't do justice to the game. It doesn't reflect just how good or how comprehensive it is.

    Keep up the great work and thanks for the recent release.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game meets everything fetishistic that a game of this type of science fiction, depravity, degeneration and, above all, corruption should be.

    The developer is doing very well and has a good work pace, if you read this as a developer you do it very well, keep it up :) a little advice, those who go far are those who have good rhythm and they complete projects that is how the great ones are at the top and you have the talent and perseverance to be there.

    Now something particular that I would like to see more of is a greater appreciation of the anus being like its second erogenous point (being a fetishist about this obviously) but it is a small detail because the game is Loaded with anal scenes which I love.

    To close I will only thank everyone who makes this project possible and I hope that it is one of hundreds of games of depravity, corruption and all the concepts that are present.

    Thank you for reading, feel satisfied that if you are one of us who enjoys corruption, you are in the right place:)
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Been playing this for a couple of days now and thought I'd leave a review. 5/5!
    This is everything I wished Manila Shaw would have been. There is a bit of jank here and there, but that's RPGM for ya. For horndogs like myself, I liked that it more or less jumps right into the fun stuff (read H scene) pretty much right off the bat. A lot of games take a lot of grind to build up to it. And boy do I wish there was more Kassiah content... HNGGGG.
    I personally like that the combat leans more towards choosing the outcome of combat (VN style) vs. the typical RPGM-style combat. The dialogue and grammar is a bit odd at times, but I don't think it's a big enough deal. I enjoyed it overall.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I really liked it, but it is far from perfect.

    There are a lot of bugs especially the text repeating and saving feels kinda laggy too but I didn´t mind them too much. Sometimes the moans or music are too loud. And what I really don´t like is that there are many moments where it just says "under development" they shouldn´t be there at all, I makes the game feel very uncompleted.

    But I really liked the sex animations, most of the models, the music and moans, and the skill system is pretty good but a little bit too grindy sometimes.

    If you want a game that is mostly just perverted this is pretty good.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a great game with a lot of but(t)s (heh, butts)

    The writing is great... But(t), the use of english is a bit stilted. Whoever did the writing is obviously fluent, however they often break unofficial/unspoken rules for the language. A great example is that while slurs are used, slang almost never is, which can make the characters sound almost academic in their dialogue. You'll never wonder what a character is trying to say, but you'll sometimes be left scratching your head about how they went about saying it.

    The gameplay is great... but(t) there are times where it can leave feeling just a touch impatient with the speed of scene transitions. It's not egregiously slow, but you'll have an impulse to try and skip through to speed things up.

    Speaking of which, there doesn't seem to be a skip function. Far from a deal-breaker, but it is what it is.

    The porn is great... butt, the menus used to access all of the scenes can get strangely finicky. I've never had it fully lock up on me, but it does occasionally start a loop from mis-clicking-- a right click stops it, but it's annoying nonetheless.

    It does have unabashed positives

    It has great grind-skipping features which I greatly appreciate, even if I don't use them. It's nice to know I could go back and play through with different goals in mind and have that supported by the game's internal structures.

    I really like that you can set your own speed for corruption, and what kind of corruption takes place

    haughty to gigaslut


    Submisssive to gigaslut


    Pure route


    maybe you just wanna start full gigaslut? it's all accomodated for better than most other games of this type. imo.

    The monster sex does squick me out a little at times, especially with the lack of skipping, but everything else is really good.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    TLDR: It's fantastic but....

    So a brief "warning", though in the same way we used warnings to find stuff with rape in it, this game heavily features misogyny, ugly bastards, some common sense rewriting and dubious consent big dick energy...oh and rape I guess. Which is all great. It's my favorite fictional hentai genre.

    It's clear a lot of effort went into this game. The developer really leaned into the theme and wasn't ashamed to keep running with it. It has a really clear identity. Outfits get lewder. You get lewd passives that trigger during multiple conversations. This is clearly a labor of intensive effort.


    And this isn't a criticism on the developer.

    I'm not going to pretend that I understand how the development process went, but I can briefly figure that the game is vaguely open world in a sense. This is really bad for an in development game. Imagine playing skyrim and half the quests are half done and some npcs are missing. Not to mention a large portion of it doesn't have clear journal entries or walkthroughs or both. This is obviously due to the game being incomplete, and I don't blame the developer for this, but take caution when you decide to play it. You could be spending an hour scrambling around just to find 2-3 scenes. The developer was clearly hamstrung by the open world nature of things compared to RPGM games that release area by area.

    Oh yes, the RPGM. That's where the other star went. Even on a PC that can run Cyberpunk with Raytracing this game is tanking it...somehow. Long loading screens galore for everything. It doesn't help that there's a time system and an unwieldy "walking" system that clearly belongs to renpy but is in RPGM for some reason.

    So half done development and RPGM engine hamstringing things.... is it still worth it?

    I think so, yeah. Despite everything, I still enjoyed the scenes and the story of the game, and I honestly wish there was more and that I discovered this later when it was complete. If you're really into the things I mentioned in the first paragraph, do go for it. (IF you have a bunch of time)

    I'll probably return and change the rating once the game is complete or near complete and these things are less of an issue.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Over 5 years on this site and this might be the best game I found here. Amazingly hot scenarios, dev just does not hold back.

    The only little thing is that the game is a bit held back by RPGM. Not in the way you would expect, where you are tired of the classic rpgm gameplay. This game plays more like a point and click adventure game.

    Problem is that rpgm is still running in the background so some things can be finnicky, you cannot skip animations etc.

    Still, does not matter, this is the hottest game I have found here. I had trouble sleeping as my mind just kept going back to how good this game is.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Torak Da Goblin

    Im pleasantly surprised, the story starts off a bit dumb and full of porn logic but dana this shit was actually a blast to play .

    The graphics were originally really off putting but grew on me and the over the top slutty-ness is rarer then i expected on this site and this game does it very well

    5/5 would use for dopamine's again
  17. 5.00 star(s)



    this is the Mass Effect of porn. so many choices... most of it is just simple stat increase and different dialogue (arrogant/submissive/sexy/normal) but some of it has big consequences. but you don't need a walkthrough for this game. before every event you can "spoil" yourself what will happen and during event it tells you what skills you need, and you can unlock during the event. so many quality of life decisions by dev it's a pleasure to play this game just for gameplay...

    but this game is not JUST gameplay, in fact it's mostly about SEX. and oh boy how hot are the sex scenes. grope/maledom/rape/mind control/corruption to the max. with unique takes on it that it all makes sense with some porn logic (the cyber software in your mind/brain is getting corrupted by the developers of the software, but you decide what points to allocate in the corruption, there is nothing forcing you to spend any of it if you don't want to (which is a bit of a shame, but it works))

    but the best part is, that it has a unique take on corruption/maledom. because you usually have 2 main routes, arrogance or submission. you need arrogance to be strong. so even when you are corrupted, you can and do behave like an arrogant bitch. which makes the corruption even better and it won't suffer from the usual corruption tropes that you just become a useless slut who everyone just fucks. these girls are horny as fuck but still have huge pride so they don't really wanna get defeated or raped despite their fantasies... or i guess you can decide if they wanna get raped or not...

    many rape scenarios are really good because you dont have to play dumb to get raped, some rape scenarios are believable and you have to be fully prepared to avoid them or you might have to do some savescumming if you chose badly. so it all makes sense if they get raped and dominated, which is really good.

    there are fights in the game, they are unique but a bit of a weak point of the game... but it's clearly not even the focus of it, many fights you can freely choose what happens "Aline (MC) gets humiliated and raped" or "Aline beats the opponent" (or sometimes more choice like "Aline gets overconfident and loses" and things like that) and then it shows how the fight goes.

    my only problem with this game is that i think the engine limits some of the sex scenes. the initial forced BJ scene is really good... but then in every scenario it's the same animation/scene with a different opponent. it gets boring. most fuck scenes are hot and unique and because the models are extremely hot they still are not boring, but even some of those scenes are the same with different partner.

    furthermore there are no lesbian sex, no vanilla sex (planned), no 69 position. no spitroast, etc. (and even double penetrations are very rare)

    so there are a lot of missed opportunities, but imo it might just feel that way because the game is so good you almost feel like you expect perfection from it. good interesting skills/skilltrees, lots of unique things in game which are not really in any other game, many choices, everything makes sense, corruption is done well, lots of quality of life stuff not in any other game, so yeah, easy to expect perfection.

    but game is not perfect yet. i think you can play like 20+hours with all the decisions and thinking what to choose, but there are lots of "work in progress" situations after and the english sometimes is really bad. there are typo mistakes which are present throughout the game. there are 4-5 common mistakes which are consistently committed... for example "stenght" instead of "strength" , verb tenses etc. but i think there were only 2 instances where i didnt know what the dev meant... it could have meant one thing or the complete opposite.. so that was confusing, but aside from those 2 situations the game is perfectly understandable and the english vocabulary generally is not bad.

    this needs many other updates because the game is so good you just keep wanting to play it. it has been so long since i was this addicted to anything and i played a shitton of porn games and other games. although if you play this game, you will be spoiled so much that every other rape focused game is going to feel boring.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is shockingly good. I'm kind of kicking myself because I tried it out several months ago and dropped it early. I think I was scared off by the game's jank, but I'm really glad I came back and gave it another shot.

    The game has a really great skill progression system that allows you to control the way the MC gets corrupted as you play, or if you want, it allows you to keep her pure. This creates a really satisfying, slow-burning, and believable corruption path that greatly affects the content you will experience. Because of this system, the game is actually *fun* to play and I find myself very intrigued with all the possible outcomes. Love it.

    The game's setting strikes that balance of taking itself seriously enough while also being absolutely absurd in order to keep things interesting. The world is believable enough while also allowing for ridiculous, funny shit to happen. IMO that's the best "vibe" a porn game can go for lol

    There's tons of high quality content in this thing, and I don't have much to complain about. I guess I wish there was a scene gallery of some sort or that lewd scenes had a *little* bit more to them, but I know the game is far from finished. Oh, biggest complaint for sure, because of the way this game works I am constantly saving my progress. For whatever reason, saving is not the fastest process in the world lol so that's a small frustration.

    Play this game though for sure if it seems interesting at all to you. It's extremely quality
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally! After years of searching, I have found an RPGM game that as reasonable grind, good animations and well placed sounds. It's whimsical enough for an escapist fantasy and grounded enough to not make it ridiculous. This is what i wanted "Manilla Shaw" to be.
    The grind parts actually have a rewarding and reasonable goal and repeat scenes have variations and further developments. Top Tier corruption storyline.
    The PHANTASM system is the best thing ever.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    good game, has many contents. The story is also good enough. The art is dated but maybe that's because it's a rpg game not renpy. I didn't enjoy the game as much as I expected to. Also not a fan of ugly bastards much. The corruption part of this game was really fun but wasn't really a fap material for me