HTML - Completed - Dungeon Lord [v1.0] [Dungeon Gaming]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    Bob Bee

    Overall 3.5/5, A text based game with a strong but shallow gameplay loop and nothing else really

    Gameplay 3.5/5, gameplay loop of protecting the dungeon is pretty fun with good progression, however as a text based game it is quite lacking in features which quickly lead to a boring and repetitive experience

    H Scene 1/5, a wide variety of H scene gifs taken from wherever leading to no consistency whatsoever
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice little game. Not super original nor very deep, but executed well and simple enough. Looking forward to the sequel now that the author has more experience! There are a lot of things that can be done better in the UI (or the explanations), but I am sure it will keep getting better for the sequel.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    [Reviewed v1.0; Final version at time of review]

    Dungeon Lord’s most significant shortcoming isn’t that it’s a bad game. Its most significant shortcoming is that it is a lousy game with an interesting gameplay loop hampered by ill-conceived design decisions and lack of effort. Dungeon Lord could have been a good or even a flawed but enjoyable game. Instead, it’s a lacklustre product that I can’t recommend.


    Gameplay: The silver lining. In this game, you play as the ruler of a dungeon. A dungeon lord, if you will. You and your mistress will build traps, enlist monsters, and develop your abilities to defend your home from a gaggle of slutty adventurers.

    There are two main sections of the game: day and night. In the day, you build traps, choose a variety of monsters to oppose the coming horde, send your mistress out on odd jobs, and decide what skills you can use in the future attack. At night, a series of adventurers will filter through the rooms of your dungeon, which contain a trap or a monster. In each room, a dice is rolled to see how an adventurer fares against the room’s hazard. If the adventurer is defeated, they are captured, and the process starts over with the next poor soul. Suppose the adventurer keeps avoiding traps/defeating monsters. In that case, they will eventually make it to the dungeon’s centre, where they will fight you. The night ends when all adventurers have made it through your dungeon. Either being captured or robbing your dungeon of valuables.

    At a basic level, seeing adventurer after adventurer fall to your perfectly placed traps and monsters is very cathartic. You have many options in both categories and can create some effective synergies. Those with a mind for strategy will find the system engaging.

    Unfortunately, that’s the only bright spot in this game.


    Story: Non-existent. You’re a dungeon lord. Protect your dungeon.

    Art: Basic. Real and anime women in gifs/pictures ripped from various sources online. Quality varies. Style varies. They’re neither particularly heinous nor worth a second look.


    “Grinding refers to the playing time spent doing repetitive tasks within a game to unlock a particular game item or to build the experience needed to progress smoothly through the game (What is grinding? - definition from Techopedia).”
    Dungeon Lord is one of the few titles I’ve played that makes its main gameplay loop a grind. You protect your dungeon, defeat adventurers, and level up so you can better combat the next batch of adventurers. Unfortunately, with no narrative or more significant purpose to aim toward, the gameplay becomes an end in and of itself. The gameplay concept is sound, but other than that nugget of gold, the game is a solid block of unappealing banality.

    Why are you playing? To continue playing. When does the game end? When you lose, hit an arbitrary limit, or, in the more likely scenario, boredom overtakes you, and you never play it again. And that’s the kill shot; Dungeon Lord is boring.


    Solid concept, but it is let down by every other aspect. Unless you are looking for ideas for one’s own creative endeavors, I cannot recommend you ever play this game.


    “What Is Grinding? - Definition from Techopedia.”,
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like the concept of this game where you play as the dungeon boss rather than the hero. The gameplay is not really hard (pitfalls op ) and there is not too much of a story. But i still enjoyed this game a lot, it just need a little more variety as well as consistency
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Boring and grindy gameplay, sex boils down to a random generic gif with little-to-no story around it, real and drawn porn is mixed together.
    Even the dungeon building is handicapped by arbitrary time-gates on expansion.

    Would not recommend to anyone
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    The concept here is perfectly fine, it's like a lewd spin on boss monster, but the gameplay is soooo tedious and repetitive. Having to manually click through every room for every female that comes into the dungeon takes forever and hitting spacebar isn't much better (personally less comfortable for me). I wish you better luck on your new project.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Html games require imagination (by necessity as the pictures are vaguely related at best). But the engine of the imagination is the game. Without a proper engine, the imagination always runs flat.

    Story 1/10

    There is no story. You're a dungeon lord, whatever that is. Girls, and only girls, come to your dungeon trying to pillage your goods. Goods that you get by pillaging the girls who come to pillage your goods.

    The story ends when you reach level 25. Arbitrarily.

    Gameplay 4/10

    Middling gameplay. The girls that attack you have "types" such as archer, thief, knight, etc. Each does magic or physical damage. You level up and lay traps/monsters in your dungeon to make the girls run out of hp or make their lust overwhelm them.

    Then there are "slut" types who just wreck your dungeon by running into every trap, having high "energy" and giving nearly no reward. Why do sluts exist? Is this a philosophical question?

    Is building your dungeon fun? Sort of. There's very little options and not a lot you can do. And the things you can do don't really matter too much (e.g. you can turn girls into futanaris... and that's it).

    Art ???/10

    For an html game rating art doesn't make sense. You always have positions and the game will insert a random art from a selection of pictures.

    Overall 4/10

    As I mentioned, an html game requires imagination. The imagination on this game falls flat. You can't self-insert into a game where you're some elusive dungeon lord with no actual purpose.

    The game itself is short, maybe 3 hours of gameplay which is quite fast. But that's because of the lack of options and things to do.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game.
    Gameplay is pretty enjoyable, although it would be nice to have a bigger dungeon and maybe less Sluts coming in constantly since it makes the late game incredibly tedious.
    H content is decent as well, although I could honestly go for even more variety (and kinks) and the ability to actually feel like an evil dungeon lord deserving of all these "heroes" since it kinda felt like they were just coming at me on accident at first, then they started "coming" at me like a never ending horde of deviants.
    Like, you would think i'd be able to just recruit the Sluts and turn them into my own personal army of a harem.

    Great game though, I thoroughly enjoyed playing it to the end of content, which actually wound up reaching me much faster than I was prepared for.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    A good management HTML porn game. Gets a bit boring after an hour or two, as you've probably already seen most of the content by then, but still good. If you like HTML real porn games you'll like this. If you like management games, you'll like this.
  10. 4.00 star(s)

    Porn Pleb

    im going to keep this short.

    I like the concept.
    I like the traps and monsters I could work with.
    didn't like the lack of player abilities I had.
    treasures were cool but I feel like there could be more.
    liked the concept of capturing girl but i felt a bit sad that i couldn't do more with them.

    overview: great game, but I wish there was more content

    (ironic I know)
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is one of the most enjoyable html games I've played. Although I reached lvl25 in a couple of hours, these hours of experience are quite absorbing and relaxing.

    Fun gameplay with interesting mechanics design and great potential
    Erotic elements are well implemented and actually well written, diversified based on different characters and different encounters. Very immersive

    Visual experience seems to be a random combination of non-original porn clips and anime arts, which unfortunately do not fit well with the rest of the game. This game could really come with some original thematic arts.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Torak Da Goblin

    Fantastic fun and wankable
    5/5 would recommend again

    I enjoyed the mix of images in this game, good quality all around im hoping the author makes another game to be honest cuz this is one of my favorites
  13. 4.00 star(s)

    Eepy Poss

    Despite all the negative shit in the previous pages it honestly is one of the better html games in my opinion. The whole dungeon crafting defense concept is nothing new and has been done before in various ways and this is just that in text format and honestly done pretty well regardless of the mixed grab bag of anime and real life. Classes with resistances, traps and monsters that can create synergies, its a nice and simple grind that would be a lot better once late game simplifications happen so you're not clicking through a ton of girls and just hoping your traps and monsters hold up to the sluts. It's good stuff, and the images/gifs can always be fine tuned later down the line so I'm more so looking forward to the development of the game itself rather than the content involved that can easily be changed and improved.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    So, having spent a couple hours finishing a run for this game I've got to admit: It's got potential to be great.

    Now, admittedly, the game isn't finished yet and for a first version it's actually working quite fine and has a decent bit of available content it does have some issues thus far.

    First off the accompanying gifs, pictures and scenes are a hot mess. They don't match the character you've captured in terms of looks at all and to make matters worse, don't even match the "Class" of girl either. It's pretty wonky to have a "loli" with a scene featuring a middle-aged bombshell.

    Second, the game's rooms and traps are balanced quite poorly(Okay, it's a first version so it's not a big deal YET, but still). Some monsters are literal downgrades from certain traps and vice/versa. Also there's no intuitive room occupant replacement system(You just destroy what's in there and basically pray you saved beforehand if it turns out you unlocked nothing new).

    Third: For all the game is about capturing the girls invading your dungeon, you don't actually do much of anything with them. You lewd them once and then *Poof* they're gone. I'd love the chance to corrupt captured girls and turn them into room guardians or the like. Anything more than them just being a single scene and some xp.

    Fourth and final: The game poorly explains what you get each level and what benefits and drawbacks getting monster/trap or personal levels gives you.

    On to the good things now:
    1: Lewd dungeon keeper, albeit (mostly) text based at the moment.. I'M SOLD. Seriously, expand on the game and you've got a crowd pleaser on your hands for sure.

    2: A good mix of smut and character types are available, and if expanded upon can allow for some seriously delicous lewd potential.

    3: Actually engaging gameplay, for an early version at the least.

    To sum it up: Engaging and enjoyable, especially for an early version, but it's going to need a lot of expansion on pretty much every level of this game to get to a point where I would say "Yeah, as a finished game it's worth spending your time on".

    As a early version: 4/5 stars. A solid foundation for a fun and enjoyable game both in terms of smut and gameplay, but also clear as day that a lot of work is going to need to be spent here to get there.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    v 1.0 review

    You know when you've got a good game on your hands? When you get a message saying you've 'won' but can keep playing or start NG+ and you realize that you've just time warped a good hour or two without realizing it.

    This is a really enjoyable game, with some flaws admittedly, but one I very much enjoyed. It's got the lewds of course but the actual game play itself is fun.

    It does have one major flaw, and that's there is a significant hierarchy to base defense. Pit traps, which you get very early, are far and away the best thing you can use. Insta-trap the girls which you can get gold and EXP from later, with no downside other than the girls might not fall into the trap.

    Then comes the other traps, which are good, and have a chance to be disarmed, but are generally very solid.

    Finally there's the monsters. The monsters have a serious problem. Generally speaking they're not as good as the traps, and no where near as good as pits. Also you need to 'feed' the monsters EXP in the form of captured girls. Not defeated in combat, but captured via lust or pit trap. This is EXP that won't go to you. Finally even ranked up at higher levels, the monsters are too easily taken out by the adventurers making them worthless for followups on the same night.

    I would suggest that monsters should level on their own, based on the amount of combat they see, and be 'unkillable' in order to bring them in line with the power level of traps. That way if the dungeon lord wants to 'feed' them EXP he can level them quickly, or let them passively level on their own.

    In fact, in my opinion the only monster worth using is the faeries for their chance to instakill 'sluts', and even that becomes pointless once you level up enough to get the big dick enchantment.

    Still really well done game with a bunch more room for improvement and well worth a play for the gameplay or the fappitude, whatever you like.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Pretty short game. Beating it is reaching level 25 apparently, at which point it pops up a message telling you that you are level 25 and unlocked everything, but can play newgame+ which starts with everything, buffed and more girls. This isn't a reward like the dev seems to think it is. You start out fighting about 6 girls per night, which I'd consider a reasonable MAXIMUM, not minimum. I was fighting 20+ girls per night at the end. And a good quarter of these would be 'sluts'. What's a slut you wonder? A slut is a girl who has several hundred hp when all the other girls barely reach 40-60. Who does a quarter of your hp per turn in damage. The game describes these units as 'raid bosses', but you can't actually heal or buff or do anything but different flavors of damage during a fight, so they're more like walls of stats you hope you can out dps, out lust or just avoid fighting entirely. I did the latter. Pitfall traps never seem to fail, and if you have big dick and give them that fetish, they just suicide on you.

    Balance wise, its fucked. Takes way too fucking long to unlock literally everything. But pitfall is like the second thing you get. Pitfalls instakill girls and let you fuck them or let your units fuck them post match. Fully upgraded, they instakill 2 girls per night. You get 6 traps so that's 12 instakills per raid with just those, and they proc a lot. V sluts, the only actual threat, I've never seen a pitfall fail.
    You get slots, units and traps unlocked too slow to really care much for anything else. Like you could go for a wombo combo of >give fetish>dart to make them horny>turn them into a lactating futa to make them... hornier I guess? Then repeatedly smack them with tentacles. But the tentacles just die. Or the dart fails. Or the futa fails. And they reach you anyways. Its a lot of checks to get something that's inferior to instantly killing them anyways.

    In general, I don't see much of a point in units v traps. Traps costs gold to upgrade. You always get gold. Always. If the girl is taken down, you get gold. You may get treasure. Treasure is gold. Traps don't have hp. They just work, fail or instantly get blown up, but the latter is rare.
    In comparison units take exp to upgrade. Take it from you. If your unit is fucking, you aren't. And they have no 'orgy' option to save clicks like you do. And they have hp, which they lose all the fucking time. You can res them, but there's no cheap 'res this one trap' option, only a 'burn literally all my mp to resurect anything that's dead' one.
    I didn't even bother using half the other units or traps because its an expensive pain in the ass to switch traps and a drain on exp to bother with units (especially when half of them seem shit, like the zombie that does something cool 1 time per night).
    When it takes such stupidly high levels to even unlock half the basic functionality, sharing exp with units just isn't worth it.

    Also not overly fond of how the mistress works. She should be renamed to slave or something. The only way to make her lewder is to have her go fuck random men. Not you. Isn't she supposed to be your mistress? She'll happily show her tits to shop keepers, fuck your units, fuck random men, fuck anyone that isn't you. Even when you get the onsen unlocked, you just use it to fuck other girls in it, not her. I really don't get it. Why can't I just fuck her rather than random girls she finds? Why can't I level her lewdness by lewding her myself? Why can't I go shopping myself, rather than having her be more promiscuous with random shopkeepers than the dude she's supposed to be the mistress of? Its just confusing. She's the only actual static character in the game and she exists purely to interact with everyone who isn't you

    Overall, the game starts out fun. Kind of cheap feeling at times, when you run into girls who take 1 lust damage a turn and deck you for 1/4 hp. But then it just gets tedious. As your stats raise higher, you just outscale everyone who's not a slut too much for them to matter. And sluts are very easy to effectively just 'turn off' entirely via pitfall and big dick. So you end up meekly slapping, trapping, tentacle trapping and fucking around with 20+ 0 threat girls all showing the same animation loops per night, then clicking through 4 orgies, 3 handjobs, an onsen and repeating.

    Didn't really touch on the art much, although I know its a point of contention. Its 'fine'. Some scenes are hot, some ain't. Consistency would be nice but I was ultimately playing because the game sounded fun more than it sounding hot to begin with so I just don't care that much

    In summary;
    Game needs less fights per night
    Less exp padding
    Not to make me choose between me or my units getting exp (they should just get exp when they do shit during the night)
    Make the mistress either not a mistress to jusitfy her inability to ever sexually interact with you, or fix that
    Nerf the shit out of sluts so I'm not basically building my entire gameplan around dealing with sluts
    More trap slots, 6 ain't enough
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Well, this one is a little bit of a mess. All the sexual content here is pretty much pile of random pics and gifs combined with no theme whatsoever.
    But! Core mechanic has quite a potential to be a foundation for the really good game. You basically defending your dungeon from a lot of lusty girls, who are trying to steal your shit. Your job is to beat them or capture them. Capturing girls gives you a little sex scene and some exp. Beating them gives you gold to upgrade your dungeon. And you know, it's really fun in its design.
    This game could use an artist and original style. After that it has potential to become something really great.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Enjoyed the game, though there really needs to be effort on the art display.
    So far, from what I've seen, only the difficulty and balance gold/treasure/xp makes this game interesting.
    The pics + gifs are a mess, you could take a character and have more images related to the different sex positions to make each character more unique and consistent. Random gifs are really not doing much. A bit more sentences describing each scene would be much more enjoyable.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Might be a bit messy if multiple artstyles turn you off, but the mechanics in this game are actually really nice if you're looking for a fun management game where all sorts of pictures are thrown your way. dev even made it easier to skip through stuff that repeats itself. All in all I don't believe most of the commentors on this thread have played the game, but see the tag and think they know what is happening. The mechanics are there, please bring it home dev! good work
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    A BIG GREAT KUDO TO THE DEV! This is like, you know, dreams come true for me since I've been looking to play game such as this. It combines various elements of adventures and combats from RPG, and logics as in sim-managements, and of course, tons and tons of good porns. This simply qualifies to be a MIND-FULL porn game (or is it PORN-FULL mind game?). Whatever, this is a very interesting INTELLIGENT-GAME full of pussies and titties and cums...see, almost all guys could ever dream for...(and a healthy one, mind you Sir!)
