Tutorial How to Install Content to Daz w/ w/o Install Manager


Mar 9, 2019
This can be quite a big subject as Daz allows yo to customize quite freely.

Three methods I use are

1. you can go to the Main folders under My Library and move things about there. For instance, there is a folder there called People/Genesis 8 Female you could add a People/My Genesis 8 Female and move your favorite characters there.
You can make your own Props Folder - just experiment.
You can easily find these folders from inside daz too by right mouse click over the folder or file and selecting Browse to folder (or file) location.
Some .duf files have .png and/or .duf.png and/or .tip.png files thast need to be kept together these are just the thumbnail pics.

I wouldn't touch the Runtime or Data folders though, although you can in time when you need to.

2. You can right mouse click over a Folder or file inside daz Content directory and chose Create Custom Action. This will make a copy or shortcut of the file or folder in the scripts drop down, so you can easily find them.
I put my most used files there like the Base Genesis 8 Female and Base Genesis 3 Female and maybe a shortcut to my favorite light preset folder.

3. Again inside Daz you can right mouse click over a file. (hair, clothes, prop - anything and chose Categorize this will again create shortcuts right at the beginning of the Menus under Categories, here you can make your own categories for items or folders including sub folders so you can easily find stuff.
There is quite a lot to play around with here, but can all be learned gradually as you go.

My only worry with any customization of Daz is if you have to reload Daz due to hardware or whatnot failure you might lose your customizing, you can create saves and backups of your menus, but daz has a bad habit of creating files all over your hard drives

Drive Letter:\DAZ 3D - main working folder Contents

Drive Letter:\DAZ 3D\DAZ 3D - main base programs and menus and customization files.

C:\Users\Yourname\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D - whatever daz feels like hiding there.

And probably other places too if you let it.

Some morphs are only found in the Parameters tab and can be found by using the search bar at the top. Click on the little magnifying glass and you can create your own search filters to make it easier to find things in future.

Good Luck and have fun.
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