
Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2016
whell you dont since its behind a pay wall and the free version whe can play has every 5min's a advertising

dusty stu

Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2018
This version is a FREE standalone copy produced specifically for distribution on F95zone. There are a few limitations: Obviously the upper-tier Patreon exclusive perks don’t work. The Game Launcher will not update the game to the latest version. Every 5 minutes an easy-to-dismiss nag screen is displayed. In lieu of being bombarded with constant advertisements while playing, it is not unreasonable to have a small message appear on screen sometimes. Note: This game is being provided for FREE. If you don’t like the pop-up, you can help support the development for as little as $1/month, or you can play something else. Thank you to those individuals who aren’t complainers. :) <3 <3 <3
Not unreasonable in a vacuum, but not the standard everyone is used to here on f95. Good luck with that.


Jan 27, 2018
Ok, so some feedback on the game so far.

I've attempted playing it twice. The first time I never figured out you could travel to the other time lines I just kept going back into the beginning of time one again and again. So maybe a heads up on that in the tutorial (which I didn't try till the second attempt).

The second time I took some damage and never figured out how to heal it that didn't cost 200 coins. Again maybe some hints on basic things like healing couldn't hurt.

I would attempt it again and spend more time trying to figure out these things but 1) Every 5 SECONDS the popup attempts to connect to the internet and fails. and 2) Sometimes random keypresses seem to completely exit the program leaving the popup generator running which I have to close out in the task manager. These are *Highly* annoying and frankly are keeping me from playing this game long enough to possibly figure out some things on my own.

Graphics and English is acceptable - I have enjoyed far worse in games with good stories and interesting gameplay. But right now with the 5 SECOND popup it isn't worth the effort. I'll keep my eyes on this game for updates and maybe try later.

Best Luck.


May 4, 2017
Easily the dumbest game I have ever attempted to play.
If you want patreon support, do so by making good content that makes people appreciate it. Not destroy your own game by making it unplayable without buying.
Even without that annoying 5 second pop up, it is not obvious what to do in the game.


Jul 2, 2017
I cant even play basic version its asking for email to activate. So I assume that even the specific f95 version is not playable anymore as well.


Please read my profile post :)
Game Developer
May 29, 2019
Kronos Time Titan Official Guide:
Added an online Guide to help players understand some of the keyboard shortcuts and game functions. For example, some players have reported the game disappearing on them, but what they really did was press one of the panic buttons which hid the game to the system tray. The Guide explains this, and more.


Jan 27, 2018
Ok using information from scarlett's posts I've tried the game again. Running the launcher then going to activate I entered the free@user.com email address and activated it. Then I was able to press play and actually run the game - so far no annoying 5 second popups. Still waiting for the nagware popup, but as stated a 5 minute closable popup isn't bad enough to stop you from trying a free version of a game. So maybe I can figure more out about this one today.
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Please read my profile post :)
Game Developer
May 29, 2019
Updated Installation Notes:
1. Extract zip file.
2. Overwrite the save with the bug fix save as it fixes an error when attempting to enter the Abandoned Cabin map.
3. Run KronosTimeTitan.exe
4. Click Activate and ensure the email free@user.com has been entered. If not, enter that email address and click Activate.
5. Click Play


Jan 27, 2018
OK, after a bit more play this time I do have some additional feedback.

1) 5 second popup no longer present
2) 5 minute nag not really a problem or much of an annoyance
3) Game is much more playable
4) Game still isn't super intuitive for what you can/should be doing. I end up spastically trying things.
5) Escape aborts the program - that is fine.... maybe. I don't mind having a boss button (or two with the one on the GUI) but since the vast majority of games use escape to open the menu that does cause some problems. Which leads to:
6) Aborting the program leaves the game running as a background process - This is especially irksome because the nagware will continue while it is in the background. Again I had to kill the process from task manager. I little process cleanup would be nice here.
and 7) the shack really is bugged, make sure to use the save file patch.

The movement system is fine for the battles, somewhat annoying on the wilderness map, and completely annoying on the non-combat maps like the villa/villiage. Not bad enough to make me want to stop playing, but bad enough to bother me every time I go to those maps.

I still haven't gotten too far in the game yet (just sucker punched Hercules a bunch and deflowered the slave girl really) but it is much more playable now.
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Reactions: scarlettyoung


Jan 27, 2018
OK, the Walkthrough/Guide is actually fairly helpful. Didn't realize the system tray had an icon for returning to game when you boss key out. It also included some other useful tidbits. Probably worth a read if you intend to play this game.
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Reactions: scarlettyoung


Please read my profile post :)
Game Developer
May 29, 2019
OK, after a bit more play this time I do have some additional feedback.

1) 5 second popup no longer present
2) 5 minute nag not really a problem or much of an annoyance
3) Game is much more playable
4) Game still isn't super intuitive for what you can/should be doing. I end up spastically trying things.
5) Escape aborts the program - that is fine.... maybe. I don't mind having a boss button (or two with the one on the GUI) but since the vast majority of games use escape to open the menu that does cause some problems. Which leads to:
6) Aborting the program leaves the game running as a background process - This is especially irksome because the nagware will continue while it is in the background. Again I had to kill the process from task manager. I little process cleanup would be nice here.
and 7) the shack really is bugged, make sure to use the save file patch.

The movement system is fine for the battles, somewhat annoying on the wilderness map, and completely annoying on the non-combat maps like the villa/villiage. Not bad enough to make me want to stop playing, but bad enough to bother me every time I go to those maps.

I still haven't gotten too far in the game yet (just sucker punched Hercules a bunch and deflowered the slave girl really) but it is much more playable now.
Thank you for the feedback. It's really helpful, especially since you don't act like you're entitled (I just block anyone who is rude or acts like I owe them something, so if it looks like I am completely ignoring someone, I probably am).

4) You're absolutely right. I still need to program an in-game tutorial, but for now, as you have discovered, I'm offering a guide on the website.
5) I can totally see how ESC would be confusing. I am open to alternatives for the Boss/Panic key. I just wanted one on the far left and right sides of the keyboard to make it easy for both left and right handed players.
6) Yes, I realized the nagware pop-up still running is VERY problematic for someone who might hide the game, only to have the pop-up display, maybe at a very inopportune time. It has already been fixed and I will be pushing a Update on the Game Launcher tomorrow most likely. A new version upload here will follow soon after that.
7) The shack bug is already fixed in version 0.854 (which has been release via the Update button) and will be included when I upload a new version here.

I'm looking at changing the movement options for when Kronos is not in battle, perhaps increasing his spaces. It's a tricky balance, because there are some things the NPCs need to be able to do, and if Kronos is moving around while everyone is standing still, it messes up some of those things. For example, when Zoe is following you in town so you can find a place to receive your blowjob from her, if you can move as much as you want, but she just stands there, then there's no way to get her to trigger the location she needs to be in order to start that scene. I know the moving, waiting thing can be a little annoying, which is why I've included 4 different ways you can end you turn, with Spacebar being the fastest, and double-right clicking being the second easiest.

I'm still working on the Guide, but I just added even more info, so feel free to check it out again and see if there's anything else useful there.

Again, thank you very much for your feedback! Complaining is beyond worthless to me, but letting me know what works and doesn't work is actually extremely valuable!


Please read my profile post :)
Game Developer
May 29, 2019
The first 8 screenshots are from the original demo which was uploaded last year and do not reflect how the game looks now.


Jan 19, 2019
Gonna be real- I don't play games that require an internet connection. Especially from Patreon/f95zone. Until you remove that, I won't pay one red cent. You miss out on players when you actively alienate them via treating them like criminals. DRM Free or Die. GOG> Steam, etc.

If I have to keep an internet connection to play your game- you have done something very very wrong with your P O R N game.


Active Member
Mar 7, 2020
Lmao seriously? I understand having patreon specific content, but making the "free" version more work to play than it's worth isn't going to get you more pledges; people are going to get annoyed with it within minutes and just drop it rather than shill out for a game that they don't even know if they like because it's a pain to play enough to get a half-decent feel for it.


Sep 7, 2018
I have downloaded it but i cant play it i cant press play or something. That means i have not any chance to play it
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