
Jan 31, 2018
Actually there are a lot more than 3 mosaic flags and there are way more than that one way to uncensor it.

And if you had actually tried to uncensor it yourself, you would have noticed the file "resources (2).assets" that is in the zip uploaded by K3NJ1 ... and you would have noticed that it is the unsencored file!!!

Anyway since you found that is that easy to uncesor unity games do a service to the community and hunt down and uncensor other games. I'll be the first to give you credit for them.:)
Just rechecked my zip of the original game and it is censored. I really don't think you know what you're talking about. Check the modified time. I appreciate that you mean it as an empty gesture but you're not setting a very good example for convincing me to go and uncensor unity games. It actually only takes the three changes to completely uncensor the fight scenes and I believe possibly the animated scenes as well if they used the same mosaics. I'm not sure what that odd resource file is but if you actually want to check out the tutorial I linked you can see why it's pretty easy to miss a random file name that you're not looking for. Again you're just throwing out accusations when, as I said, you could actually check them out and look for yourself. How could the 'uncensor file' be in the main files before you download my file? :ROFLMAO: Just chill out, you're wrong and your attitude to accept that you don't really know what you're doing puts other people off trying to help others. This was the first time I uncensored a game and gave it out instead of just doing it for myself. Why would I, or other people, do that if people like you, who don't seem to know too much about the topic, will just accuse them of stealing because someone did it somewhere else first.

EDIT: Just checked that random resource (2) file you mentioned and it indeed has the uncensor. I don't know why someone would put the uncensor in but rename it so it doesn't work. But needless to say, I did the work, uncesored it, and even checked what you were on about. In the end it seems someone messed up and you're annoyed at me for doing the work instead.
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Aug 23, 2018
Anyone have 100% save?
Sometime I have bug that I can't get closer to the warrior and she just keep move backwards
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Dracula Belmont

Prince of Darkness
Game Developer
Dec 17, 2017
Japanese culture never disappoints me in my expectations it is a fun game although it is super quick game which you can beat in 30 mins i had fun raping this little wench and more fun raping that ogre.

Shaman Zuma

Aug 20, 2019
It doesn't have the necessary mechanics to be a competitive fighting game, but depending on your choices you could get great sex scenes.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2017
You forgot Faceless McGeneric Who Somehow Has Gurlz Falling On His Aggressively Average Nondescript Dick #91837194, AKA, the baseline Galge/eroge protag.
Seriously the lengths to which devs sometimes go to erase all possible features from those faceless homunculi to faciliate audience self-insertion can get downright comical, especially in CG compositions. If you hit the jackpot the poor sap is reduced to nothing more than a disembodied dick, and displays about equal amounts of personality.

It's to the point where I would frankly prefer an implausibly wealthy and successful jet-setter billionaire playboy or suchlike puerile fantasy just to have some variety in the ocean of Fuccbois Without Qualities.
Ah those visual novel protagonists. Arent those actually quite detailed since most of them are the usual emotional flustered little bitch? I would rather a completely blank mannequin over those since i can't really self-insert in those despite the fact they were made for self-insert purpose.
I want a mature, stoic, jaded, calm male protagonist whom i could self-insert but they are few and far between.
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Engaged Member
Mar 10, 2018
Hmm...i actually want the protagonist to be as blank as possible when i play my galge/eroge since i'm one of those players who try their best to self-insert into the protagonist.
I've always found it to be both terribly lazy writing and annoyingly pandering to the lowest common denominator, personally. I don't want to read about some utterly interchangeable cardboard cut-out; I want to read about an engaging and interesting character and it rather insults my powers of imagination that the writers apparently think I can't project myself into/relate to something more complex and defined than a vaguely humanoid bowl of lukewarm tapioca.

Not sure which game you were talking about but sadly in most cases i found myself unable to self-insert into those visual novel protags despite the fact they were made supposedly for self-insert purpose.
I want a mature, stoic, jaded, calm male protagonist whom i could self-insert but they are few and far between. Most of the times we got naive, timid, flustered, dense, emotional whiny little bitch.
That too. It's not only insultingly pandering and underestimating my mental faculties; it's asking me to identify with characters whose main observable defining traits tend to be that they are annoying and, worse, boring.

Not that their Western peers (meaning ones that aren't directly copypasting the JP formula) tended to be much better ofc. While those at least tend to have faces and a modicum of personality they roughly boil down to two varieties - largely unremarkable Fuccbois Without Qualities who still have scores of girls jumping onto their dicks for no observable reason in the vein of their JP analogs, and tryhard tough-guy caricatures that look an awful lot like the puerile narcissistic projections of repressed nerds.
Both usually rendered in Daz3D with whatever awful hairdo happened to be en vogue when the dev got started (and thus typically looking rather dated by the time the project starts actually getting anywhere...) and for some baffling reason prone to porking their Totally Not Blood-Related sisters and mothers.

This is sadly a field that doesn't attract all that much actual creative talent and imagination. The occasional exceptions to the rule are that much more noteworthy and commendable.

The ogre here and the option of flipping the PoV and roles get brownie points simply for doing something more creative and novel than the usual same-old in these kinds of works.


Active Member
Apr 18, 2018
A nice little and very short game but nothing special, definitely not worth the price they charge at DLSite. I just wish it would be possible to deactivate those x-ray cut-ins. The cut-in when someone cums in her mouth looks disgusting and more like you would face fuck some disfigured chick.


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2017
Just an FYI, already been mentioned, but let me say it again: the story mode bugs out (ogre+maids won't progress to the 2nd scene), and it's because locale-related problems.
It's been mentioned you may need to change formats in the control panel. True. Some formats work, some don't. My native one for example doesn't, but Japanese does, as does English (I guess no surprises there lol) and probably some others too. The location change is completely unnecessary afaics, though.
Also, if you are a lazy eff like me, you could just use locale emulation to run the .exe, and you won't be needing to switch these things back and forth. Locale Emulator sadly doesn't work on Unity games (for me, at least), but I use NTLEAS, and run the game with it in Jap locale, and works like a charm.


Aug 22, 2018
If she is all the way to the left, I can kick her and knock her down, but cannot move close enough to grab her. And punch never connects.


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2017
why story bug ? :(
Story mode gets stuck on the end of scene 1...
For those getting stuck in story mode, change your location and date/time/number formats to Japanese. Got same problem and it started working after I did that
Just an FYI, already been mentioned, but let me say it again: the story mode bugs out (ogre+maids won't progress to the 2nd scene), and it's because locale-related problems.
It's been mentioned you may need to change formats in the control panel. True. Some formats work, some don't. My native one for example doesn't, but Japanese does, as does English (I guess no surprises there lol) and probably some others too. The location change is completely unnecessary afaics, though.
Also, if you are a lazy eff like me, you could just use locale emulation to run the .exe, and you won't be needing to switch these things back and forth. Locale Emulator sadly doesn't work on Unity games (for me, at least), but I use NTLEAS, and run the game with it in Jap locale, and works like a charm.


Aug 20, 2017
Alright so I must be doing SOMETHING wrong because I fuck her twice normally, then I bring her down with my kicks and then stun. I grab her, bring her to the pillory, press Z near it, and nothing happens. Any solutions?
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