VN - Unity - Completed - Sinsations [v1.1.0] [Frigid Delights Studios]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    damn, protag is a bitch :D
    poor Envy, for real. it stroke me a lot, because of how depressive he is, and how cruel it to reject him after such emotional good time. can't handle it calmly :"D
    as for the quality: illustrations are not good, voice is fine! sprites are... fine too. i like the idea, but don't like the result much.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    This is perhaps the longest gay VN I've ever played. Unlike most VNs that feature multiple love interests where you get to romance only one of them, Sinsations actually require you to romance all of them, which contributes greatly to the game's length. You may have not seen all their scenes in one playthrough. And you definitely can't get all achievements without save-scumming and playing from the beginning several times

    You can choose to date them in any order, but playing their routes in certain sequence unlocks unique scenes from that specific love interest in someone else's route. However, if you want to settle with one of them, then you have to romance your favorite guy last. I like it, because that's how I usually play dating games

    Since the point of the game is to get the guys to love the main character Kousuke, expect many sex scenes. I dare to say Sinsations is basically what most gay guys want from a gay dating visual novel; steamy smut without too much essence in the story. But still, every love interest has their own fair share of issues and dramas to deal with, from a mundane family issue to a gunfight with drug cartels

    You get to see what the love interests do in their own scenes, but they are mostly only shown in CGs and described briefly via Kousuke's narration. Except Sloth's routine; all of his scenes pertaining his work with cryptocurrency is explained in extensive detail. Not via Kousuke's narration, but actually by Sloth himself. It feels more like a marketing strategy or a business propaganda, rather than fictional story, despite Sloth's currency is fictional. This makes his route boring and feel like the longest, with the least amount of sexy time

    It's also possible to end up not settling in with anyone, but it is very anticlimactic. The game just abruptly ends as Kousuke leaves the final love interest. I find it a downer since I like none of the love interests

    Another thing that I don't like about this game is the artstyle. The characters are drawn rather angularly. Every joint, corner, and facial structure look very sharp, even for yaoi standards I think

    Also, the devil Abaddon, has the echoing demonic voice, but his design is very underwhelming. Looks more like a generic red blob, which is a very odd decision. Usually a devil-type character has more intricate design to it, so I'm not sure what was the thought process in designing Abaddon

    If you're looking for cute, hot guys and plenty of sex scenes, Sinsation is the best game to experience them. It's just that, for a game that supposedly has supernatural elements, there is little to nothing about it at all. The only reminder that the game is remotely supernatural-themed is the presence of Lucifer (and occasionally the glob-like Abaddon)
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is simply amazing, the characters are well thought of and built to proper basis regarding their psychology and auctions!
    I have played essentially every game on this category and nothing comes near it, I wish to see more on this with new sins!
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Wow I was so disappointed by this game.
    Where to start.
    The voice actor for the protagonist sounds dead.
    The sex scenes last two lines, 0 fucking moans, like why even get voice actors at this point? They are always told by the protagonist with his dead ass voice.
    The artwork is literally so inconsistent, awful and disproportionate and flat at times, while shaded and proportionate at others.
    The story is nonexistent, not compelling, boring. You would wait for the sex scenes, but they piss you off even more.
    The authors clearly have a bias against certain characters, gluttony’s cgs look very good while greed’s look like shit.
    Also why the fuck would you have literally 1 bottom and 4 tops (I haven’t played pride’s route yet so idk what he is ),
    I’ve been waiting for this game a lot, and this was another full service, but at least mazjojo’s art looked good.
    I’m currently heartbroken, and I now think that nobody can get to mikkoukun’s standards.
    As I said in my comment, thank god I didn’t buy this.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    The Gay Tag Review

    This game is 100% gay with 6 different guys to seduce, no way to get confused.

    You are the deadly sin of lust and Lucifer gives you the test to make the other deadly sins in Las Vegas (I guess every city has its own set?!) fall in love with you. The premise is not very original but this visual novel surprises us in giving unusual profiles for the characters who are the deadly sins. Gluttony eats a lot, but he's also a gym bunny; Pride is a popular pop star; Sloth likes to sleep and he's lazy, but he's also a computer and entrepreneurial genius; and so on. This is a refreshing take on a rather clichéd idea.
    Also, do not think that the stories are particularly debauched because you're dealing with sins; on the contrary, each route tends to be rather wholesome, with the edgy part limited to some scenes here and there but globally rather vanilla.
    The game also guarantees replayability by having plenty of achievements. They include various good and bed endings for each route, but even the succession in which you decide to tackle the six stories has some role: it can happen that you get a scene or a dialogue only if you did another character before, and the final ending is also affected.
    Sex-wise, you have a handful of scenes per route; they are not many (but not too few either) and there are not huge variations in terms of positions and such, but they're nicely drawn. I'm not incredibly fond of the style but I can see people who would like it.

    Globally, this is a very put-together product, with a nice story and cute character, with an original take on the deadly sins. It could have easily got 5 stars, but it slightly lacks a bit of bite and the drawing style is not my favourite, so I settled for 4.