Ren'Py - Straitened Times [v0.54.1] [HRelease]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game, loved the gameplay and the characters design, no stupid blueballing if I remember well, if i'm mistaking then no worries you will be rewarded for your patience

    I'm now waiting for further updates
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    The game itself is pretty good. The animations are good and the story is interesting but it just takes soooooo long to get to the scenes and its also so tedious. And I didnt even play the "real" game. I played with all the guides and walkthroughs and cheats that I could find. It would be a 5/5 if it was a VN but sadly it isnt.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    best game i have ever played on this website.

    Great characters which require build up but not to a grindy length.

    I found it very replayable often restarting and not getting too bored, I enjoy the consistent updates aswell.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    If you like slow burn grindy games this is for you.

    Good Characters
    - Good Story
    - Great Scenes

    - Grindy to a fault
    - Couldn't imagine playing this without cheats.
    - I like the menus and infographics this game gives you, but good luck reading that when jerking off.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    this is the best game i have ever played. The female characters are built really well. Rarely does mc have two families, mother and stepmother. a great idea. The plot is well built by the developer, not too rambling, nor too rushed, giving me a sense of excitement when playing. It's a bit unfortunate why female characters don't react more aggressively when they find out that mc is having sex with other relatives. The opening couldn't have been better. What could be better than watching pregnant girls and all of them having sex with mc. hope the developer can show us more interesting things in the coming parts. A lot of middle-aged women, why not a teenage girl next. it will make me feel more excited.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    God Game, deserves GOTY, it´s a little bit complicated because you don´t have a in-game guide and you need to descover everything by yourself.
    I downloaded this game a few months ago and i don regret it, beautiful characthers with realistic body.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I like everything about this game, the girls are hot the MC has to work to clap those cheeks andwhen he gets some action it's worth the wait cuz it's animated and very good looking. Keep up the good work mate.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    I get it, the models are good, the tags are good.

    But none of that actually matters if the game never gets anywhere. This even seems like it's made by some decently competent people and yet I've been playing for hours and hours, with basic cheats enabled, and there hasn't been a single full-on sex scene.

    Extreme grindfest, and even with the most detailed "quest log" in any game I've seen on f95, I genuinely don't know what to do half the time. And that's coming from someone who usually likes complex games.

    Please, save your time and play literally anything else.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I love Russian games, the Notepad++ gameplay is the best. Give me more draconian one in a billion chance to randomly trigger conditions for events, I love it. Intuitive gameplay is for losers. Nothing gets me off more than looking into a crystal ball to figure out a game's logic.

    The story and characters are cool though.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    What the actual fuck is this game. Horrible grind, events that never triggers and you have to keep track stupid task lists and schedules. Its a coom game for fuck sake why is the dev trying to copy god damned europa universalis. Renders are somewhat good and milfs are proper thick though.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is like a Gin and Tonic, it's an acquired taste. On the surface of things, It has a horrible amount of grind to it. You have to repeat scenes over and over to get to progress. The hinting system is vague and to progress you need to try each dialogue option to see everything. The animations are very basic (although getting better). The grammar is bad and the plot is ridiculous at times. If you don't have patience then this game isn't for you. If you can stick it out, there is some payoff (and it's getting better with every release).

    Why keep playing it? All that grind gives you time to start imagining what might happen once you unlock the next scene. The hinting system tells you that there's a scene to unlock with a certain character, but it's up to you to figure out where. You jump around, day by day trying to find that next scene but it's never that easy. You have to keep going to school and keep your commune happy and make sure you sleep enough before you can even think about unlocking that next scene. When you do finally find the scene it's usually not that great but it opens the door to the possibility of an even kinkier scene, but you have to wait for the next update, maybe even four or five updates before you get the scene that you were waiting for. (At lease the updates are regular monthly releases.) While your waiting for the scene, something else happens. The same setup happens with other characters and you're eventually left thinking about all the twisted, kinky sexual adventures that might eventually come out of this game. Usually, the game doesn't deliver, but once it a while it does and that is what keeps you coming back for more.

    In regards to the characters, for the most part they are very well done but some of the expressions are weird and overly exaggerated and the character's tongues are weird. Seriously, the character tongues are shaped like a snake's tongue or something.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    The grind is horrendous. I solved the money and energy problem with simple console commands (which shouldn't even be necessary in a well-designed game). But
    The biggest problem is that to progress with the women, you need to repeat some actions over and over again until you no longer want to see that woman's face anymore. And the hint system isn't complete so you'll often be left scratching your head as to what you need to do to continue the progression.
    The lewd-scenes animations (when they exist) are just meh.
    The grammar is very bad. Understandable, but immersion-breaking.
    It's a poor game overall and in this state it's not worth playing.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    I like the game's character designs, also animations could have been better.

    like playing it, there's a quest log and claender to guide you and it helps a lot in this kind of games (where you can do spesific things only at spesific times).

    earning money is a little hard but there's a cheat :) so, when this kind of games start to bore with need of earning money, if there's a cheat I use and can have better time playing game.

    I am now downloading the latest version and hope dev keep doing good work.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Its not a great game. Its not bad either. The overcomplicated mechanic of relations with your "neighbours" is a bit too confusing to really like and there is as well money problem. One really big which is making this game too much of a grind for my liking. I could play hours and hours just to grind money to have to spend. I don't like the idea that I need to work as hard for money in game as in real life. I want to enjoy my time playing it and not grinding it.. thats the worst part of this game. Eternal Grind. Without cheats its a damn chore to play it.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    • very good, there is a choice if you don’t like one of the ladies, send her to a separate room, you have to follow the relationship otherwise a bad ending, there are not enough other translations. Sexy MILFs are present, the forms of the ladies are not always proportional, but this has its own trick, I’m waiting for the content pregnancy.
    • очень неплохо, есть выбор если вам не нравится одна из дам отправьте ее в отдельную комнату, приходится следить за отношениями иначе плохая концовка, не хватает других переводов. Милфы секси присутствуют, формы дам не всегда пропорциональны, но в этом есть своя фишка, жду контента беременности.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Dropped it as soon as I saw the messy UI with miniscule text and shitty grammar. The renders don't even look that great so I can tell this isn't going to be worth playing.
    P.S. You don't need to put "a" in front of every noun and you don't need to contract everything like "I am" to "I'm". It just doesn't make sense in certain contexts.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    First time playing this, and I have to say it is mostly well done. I really enjoyed it until I hit a grind wall and the lack of hints. I dont know how to progress certain events at all. Pretty sure I was able to get most of the content, but some characters I have no idea.

    Would give this a five star, but the phone tips are not super clear. People blame the RNG, and maybe that is probably why Im missing some content.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Firstly: this game you have grind hard, to get to certain points in the game. Which is similar to real life.
    At first i counld understand the point in the game, but when i read some rewies about it. I finally understood the game. Then i started to really play and focus on the missions.
    Now i am so addicted to this game, that i play it everyday after work a little to get new content. Also i decided to support him on patreon and never regretted the mistake. He is awesome, instant replies, helpfull, straight to the point if you do not know about the system at all( like me, i do not really undestand some pshycics, cause i´m into languages). In general.
    If you like grinding hard at the start and reaping the rewards later, it is awesome. For me 10 out of 10 game. Keep up the good work and the balance in the game, that it has. Love it.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Hard to say what to give this game. Without the mods it would be a solid -1. The grind in this game is on par with Big Brother, dont think they get any grindyer. Played 3+ hours with $ cheat and still only got a brief peep on family.

    With cheats and walkthrough I play it when I have nothing better to waste time with. Using all cheats and mods it still is more grind than most games.

    Renders are slightly below average, models the same, animations (what few there are) can barely be called animations. Writing is horrible, ESL.
    +1 star for amount of content and regular updates.

    Play this one if you like banging your head against the wall because it feels real good when you stop.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Like it a lot a lot of content and the different system in compare to other games - i like the managemet parts in the games - you can discover more and more girls and scenes in this game with a little bit of patience its a lot of fun - looks good and has a lot of playtime