Unity - Abandoned - The Comeback [v0.69] [-GNES-]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Darth Mat

    Review of The Comeback v0.69

    While I do believe it has a lot of problems in the game, I think it has a tremendous potencial...
    I always loved the freedom of 3d games that no ren'py game can ever give you, and this game doesn't disappoint in that area, sure there aren't many things to do and the car is kinda slow, but you can go to wherever you want and it's a great point that few games have this.

    So I'm gonna point what I think are the problems and what I really enjoyed:

    -I think the game wastes a lot of our time going there to do this, then go there to do that... how and why: first, the cars need a bit more speed and there are too many girls in the game, which all it does is not focus on any of them. Maybe if the game was focused more on the family we could have gotten a lot of scenes with them which to me personally would be amazing and why I decided to play the game in the first place (the incest tag).
    - The plot of game is kinda simple... to not say other words, like
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    - Many people already mentioned that the game is slow in the sense that takes time to do anything and can't skip much of stuff, so I'm just repointing this.
    -We don't really have any choice at all in the game, if this was a novel, it would be a kinetic one, which I hate...

    Now about the good things: -The real sandbox freedom of being able to go anywhere.
    -The family and some of the girls are really hot and have good quality assets
    -The start is kinda slow, but after a point you start going places and know you are getting another scene, what I mean, is that it has a lot of sex even if it's 2 scenes with the character and kinda optionless.

    So, if it focused on the family and the rival/enemy it could be an amazing game with a lot of more content due to not splitting the attention too much on a sister's friend, on a ex and a son, on a teacher... basically just eliminate the side characters and focus on the main ones... the game would get a 5 star from me, and maybe not get abandoned... but I still played to max amount of content there is atm...
    This is my opinion and I maybe I forgot something, hope it doesn't offend anyone.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    While the game is far from perfect, I really enjoyed the ability to actually walking around in an open world, instead of just clicking through text and images. It is refreshing to see someone trying to make something different, I just hope this doesn't get abandoned like some many games before it, because I would like to see where this is heading.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This is my first review and I'm only reviewing because when I downloaded this it had a deceptively high score.

    For potential players: It's simply not good. The animations are stiff, slow, robotic and repetitive. The textures are so bad it actually sometimes makes it hard to navigate. The gameplay is dull and uninspired. I often found myself asking, "Why can't I do X thing? It seems obvious or like it wants me to do that thing." Then after fumbling about I finally trigger whatever requirement there is to do the thing that should have just been available to do. Finally it keeps crashing on me. Just avoid playing it unless you really want to play a GTA style game and help this dev out.

    For the dev, if you see this: I realize the review is harsh, but that's because your game is bad. That's not a bad thing though, everyone starts somewhere and you've clearly put in a lot of effort into this, so keep putting the effort in. One day you could be the guy I log in hoping to see an update from. Cheers and good luck.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    This review is for v0.4w:

    I love the concept of this game: dynamically-rendered, 1st/3rd-person 3D playstyles, driving, shooting and hand-to-hand combat, open world, and of course sex. I've only played 2 similar adult games and they were on a smaller scale and the models for the MC and girls weren't nearly as good.

    Unfortunately, the execution is broken in pretty much every way I can think of. This game is literally painful to play. What is so painful is that, except for a small percentage of the 3D models, games with similar play styles were MUCH better than this in every way 15 or even 20 years ago.

    The user interface: Has the W-A-S-D movement controls which is great, but everything else is inconsistent. The ability to switch from 1st to 3rd person isn't always available. Most of the UI (phone, map, hints, etc.) isn't available at all when the MC is in an "indoor" location. There's a feature to "spawn car" because the game doesn't allow fast-travel while driving the car nor does it automatically spawn the car at the destination when fast-traveling. There's no ability to control sound volume. There seems to be only one load/save slot. No way to skip scripted scenes. Moving backwards does different things while walking vs. driving and neither are what players expect. Aiming a gun is 3rd person only.

    The performance: The word is SLOW. Everything about this game is slow, but it has nothing to do with machine performance. Walking, running, driving, scripted animations, conversations... Literally everything in this game just seems like it moves in slow motion.

    The graphics: Quality is all over the place. There seem to be some reasonably high-quality assets, but some things look worse than the original Wolfenstein. There are many places where players can see collision problems as well as walk through walls, get stuck, etc. The animations in the game look so mechanical. The cars driving around, the way characters walk, and the sex scenes. They all look like robots.

    The story is shallow and the dialogue is littered with "Engrish". As stated before the animations are very mechanical-looking and generally, the lewd scenes aren't very erotic.

    I assume this game is from a single developer and while I admire the ambition, I think he is in so far over his head he can't see it. I have doubts that this game will ever be completed unless it continues to be the painful mess that it is today, because it would take a team of developers multiple years to fix all of the basic things that are broken in this game.
  5. 1.00 star(s)

    Jimmy Two Times

    In one and only aspect, this "game" manages to suppass the other similiar games i played in here. And that is the quote i find myself using often that goes like "great idea executed in the worst way possible". It definetely feels like that this whole story and setup didn't start as a refined idea, but an experiment of sorts with free assets and ready meshes smashed & blended together at first, then the uhh... "dev" said "Hey, why the hell not? Lemme open up a patreon first." and went with it by adding a "story" on the go and uploaded here and there to see how it would fare. At least that's what i think after playing/enduring it for an hour. Everything feels so out of place and unatmospheric. I'm aware that this isn't a completed "game" yet, hell, i can't even bring myself to call this a game without putting quotes on sarcastically. What it promises now is obvious enough to tell me the common fate like many before it fell to. How it'll go and how it'll end up at the end of it's road. Honestly, I wasn't expecting miracles but damn, I can't focus on what's going on in the game to take it seriously even for a second. Looking at the tags, I really want to like this game. This is what i'm crawing for, the tags. But it was impossible for me to subject myself to it in it's current state. And if i know games similar to this, my spider senses tells me that there is a 99% chance that the bugs, horrid graphics, the clunkiness, terrible writing will stay as it is or only gonna get worse and this little experiment will be abandoned after a long hiatus by the "dev". I hope im wrong though. In conclusion, don't waste your time or your bandwith with this "game". You can do better.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This project is by far one of the most unique games hosted on F95 in the last few years.

    Most games we have are 2D+ with recycled assets and railroaded progression - some being nothing more than glorified slide shows. Now, theres nothing inherently wrong with visual novel style games - my only point is that its pretty refreshing to see something like this being made.

    The Great
    I can't remember the last time I played a western porn game with fun driving? I would say that this element sets the tone of the game for me the most. The game is a hybrid of early 2000s Newground dating sims meets GTA.

    The Good
    The character models are good, they're not great or anything quite as unique as the game itself - but they work well enough.

    The Bad
    When I mentioned the game is a mashup of GTA & early Newgrounds dating sims, what I mean by the latter is that the UI elements (icons, chat window, map) are (to put it politely) pretty amateurish. Honestly, this isn't a big deal. The scale of development I assume that has gone into this game is pretty immense, so this tiny caveat isn't something worth detracting many points for. In fact, the rudimentary style could just be a placeholder as the game is in early development - and if not, at the very least - its functional.

    Overall, while there is still much work to be done, I'm giving the game 5/5 stars because it deserves recognition for the effort put forth so far.
  7. 2.00 star(s)

    Ai Shoujo Fan

    The Comeback 0.01b

    Great job for taking my previous feedback seriously and making the dozen or so changes that I recommended (some of which you didn't list in the changelog). I have so much respect for you as a developer for doing that because sadly too many developers completely ignore feedback and bug reports.

    Feedback - The cell phone sound at the very beginning of the game sounded as if I were in some really old black and white movie and someone is in the office and there is a rotary phone ringing really loudly. I think that it is unnaturally loud. Later in the game when Layla called while I was at the hotel, I was again reminded how loud it is. The sound should be reduced by 20%. And a more modern cell phone ring tone would be nice.

    Feedback - The dance club music choice is pretty bad. It sounds more like a spy movie thriller scene than actual club music. It's annoying enough where I felt tempted to mute the game while in the dance club, but I didn't. Part of me wishes that the dance club music was turned down 10-20% too, but probably just because I didn't like the music not because it was too loud because a lot of dance clubs have loud music. You could search on Spotify or YouTube for DRM Free Electronic (or Dance) music and find all sorts of dance music that you can use. You wouldn't even have to use the same song on repeat. You could have a playlist of songs. And maybe even make it random so it's not always the same song that plays. Kinda like a "shuffle" feature you'd find on Windows Media Player or Spotify.

    Feedback - I wish that the textbox font was always the same size. But sometimes it is large and sometimes it is small. Just make it so that the text is always the same size. The textbox looks a bit noobish and when a lot of aspects of the game look "slightly noobish" it hurts the overall quality of the game. So I suggest downloading like 20 or so different Ren'Py games and look at the games that have nice textboxes so you can think of some ways to improve yours. Another thing you can do is abandon textbox backgrounds altogether and just use outlined text. That way it will look less noobish but also allow the player to see more of the graphics. Here is an example of outlined text. https://i.imgur.com/u3UV9l0.png I will try to find some examples of good textboxes later, like within a month or two, and I'll make a post with screenshots so you can get some ideas of how to improve the appearance of yours. But like when I'm in the sister's office talking to her, I would much prefer outlined text with no textbox background so I can see her and the text at the same time. That's the optimal best way to make a game. Outlined text with no textbox background.

    Feedback - After I shot the boss Jacob, I was still moving forward afterwards for some reason. But the problem seems to be fixed in the other parts of the game.

    Feedback - The car sounds awful. You need a better sounding car engine noise, or none at all. I'd rather listen to DRM free music or nothing at all than listen to that awful car noise. Or reduce the car sound by 90% so we can barely hear it.

    Feedback - The car still rolls down hills when you get out of the car. It would be good if the car stayed 100% still after you got out of the car, regardless if it is on a hill or not.

    Feedback - The UI could be improved some. The fonts and icons could be improved some and there should be more consistency. For example, the money is tall numbers that are squished really close together. The clock uses a different font that isn't squished together and there are huge gaps on either side of the colon symbol. HINTS should be Hints. time+1, day+1, and sunday should be Time+1, Day+1, and Sunday to match the First Person capitalization. I wish that the money icon and the clock icon were the same same size and shape. On the right side, it would be cool if the P and M stacked on top of the H, T, Q, F. I feel that all the font should be the same size too instead of using different size fonts for different words. Red is a bad color to use for fonts. White would be best. And it would kinda make sense to make the money icon and money number green since money is usually green.

    Feedback - Some parts of the game, the UI is white. Like F for First Person and the money icon and money amount. Then it changes to red later. I think that white looks better and it should remain the same color throughout the game for consistency.

    Feedback - The E keyboard key symbol is also inconsistent. In the early game there was a huge gap underneath the key and the key was blue and white. Then later the bottom space gap of the key was removed (which looks better) and it changes to black and white. Again, no consistency. Either color is fine. But if I had to choose, I might prefer the black and white key.

    Feedback - There should be a confirmation note that your game has been saved when you click the Save button.

    Feedback - On the title screen, you have NAME in all large caps, while the other menu buttons have a large first letter cap and smaller caps after that. Again, you need consistency.

    Feedback - I saved the game while I was driving. Then I drove off a hill by accident. I loaded a save and for some reason the car flew in the air and landed on its back bumper. So I couldn't get into the car and finish driving to the city. It took like 10 loads before the car finally landing on its tires. https://gfycat.com/unacceptablehighleveldikkops

    Feedback - I never did like the road lines blur up ahead. The blurs don't look real and I think that they are unnecessary. I know you are going for realism, but it actually has the opposite effect.

    Feedback - I think that the original house texture (just brown color, no texture) actually looked better than the new stone texture, but I guess the stone texture looks "alright". The green interior walls and the gree door and window frames look weird combined with the gray stone textures though. I only commented on how a lot of building interiors and maybe also exteriors looked like material colors instead of textures, but it didn't bother me. It wasn't a complaint. It was an observation. Don't feel pressured into using textures that aren't good just to make the world more textured. I'd rather see improvements to the UI and sex scenes than see textures replace material colors (unless the textures are superb, which almost in all cases the new ones aren't). Well some of them are an improvement. Like the floor in the sister's office building might be an improvement (but I don't think they would use wood planks in an office building, they would use marble). There is no consistency on the sister's work building wall textures though. On some walls I can see the stucco too clearly because the stucco is too big, on some walls the stucco is slightly blurry because the stucco is smaller but it looks pretty good, on other walls the stucco is way too blurry, and yet other walls the stucco is so squished horizontally that it looks like a bunch of vertical white lines. That's four wall with the same texture but they look so completely different. https://gfycat.com/latebaggybellfrog I don't know the Unity or Unreal Engine enough to tell you how to do texture scaling or repeats properly, but it is something you should learn so you can fix these things for a more pleasant better looking experience. Oh, later when driving to my new place, I saw some houses with brown stone looking textures. That texture actually looks nice. The rooftops seem a little too light in my opinion. Like light pinks and light oranges. But the brown stoneish looking exterior walls looks nice. And I do like the roof textures (just the color seems light, but the are okay I guess). Honestly, I wouldn't mind if you reverted all the changes and just went back to using material colors. But feel free to waste time playing around with it, but I'd rather see you focus on the UI and sex scenes.

    Feedback - When I talk to Ella by the pool, I am required to click on the dialog boxes to proceed the conversation. Again, no consistency. Because in other parts of the game, I'm supposed to press the E key. Not only that, but there are still some scenes that auto forward without me pressing the E key. So the game has dialogue advancing in three different ways. Also sometimes the textbox is partially transparent. But in the Ella scene beside the pool, the box is not at all transparent. In most of the game, the person's name textbox isn't perfectly aligned (to the left) as the dialogue textbox, but in the Ella scene beside the pool it was momentarily. Personally, I like the dialogue and name textboxes to be be aligned on the left. It looks better. But in the Ella scene by the pool her name textbox slightly overlaps (on bottom edge) on the textbox. I don't think that there should be any overlapping. Actually, sometimes it overlaps, and sometimes there is a gap. It would be nice if it was always flush at all times. It really bothers me that sometimes the dialogue is auto advancing and other times it isn't. It should be "Press E" at all times (unless it is a scene that 100% requires auto forwarding).

    Feedback - I think that the E key for interacting with objects like elevators and people should be more consistent. Sometimes it is a small E key. Sometimes it is large. And in both cases, it doesn't look like the E key above the dialogue textboxes. I wish that the graphic remained the same.

    Feedback - Sometimes in the game, like during the Amy sex scene, I see "F for First Person" when it's not even an option to switch to First Person because you are in a sex scene. Why display something I don't need?

    Feedback - When texting Layla, I accidentally clicked too fast and missed some of the dialogue. I don't think that you have a dialogue history in the game, but it would be nice to at least have a scrollable history for the text messages (not the game dialogue).

    Feedback - The dialogue seems so very short and simple. I mean I don't want to play a game where it's blah blah blah, because I want to get to the fun parts. But I wish that the dialogue was more captivating somehow. Everyone feels like a NPC with one or two lines. I don't really feel close to anyone at all. It's like "Hi Bob." Bob replies, "What can I get you?" I answer "I'll have a coke". Bob says, "There you go." I say, "Thank you, bye." And then I leave. That seems to be the entire game. Very stiff and business like. I'm not catching any female emotion, excitement, or anything. There is actually a real life android or should I say gynoid (AI) named Sophia who is more expressive and fun to talk to.

    Feedback - I can see the E key of the vehicle on top of the map whenever I press the M key. Not important but something to note.

    Feedback - It was hard to get the E key to show up on the hotel employee. For some reason I had to be turned away from her at a 45 degree angle before it would show up. I almost thought it would never show up. I couldn't get the E key to show up on my sister either when I went back to the house. I kept leaving the house and coming back, advancing time, and reloading a save until I got the E key to show up when I approach her from behind. If I approach her from the front, the E key doesn't show up.

    Feedback - On the title screen, it says "If the cursor is not visible, click on the game screen then press ESC". You should put a period at the end. Punctuation is important. Also you could add an "and". Like this. "If the cursor is not visible, click on the game screen and then press ESC."

    Feedback - While walking up the ramp to the right side of my mom's house, half my character's avatar sinks into the ground.

    Feedback - The FOV while sprinting in the warehouse is weird. It starts off like 90 when walking then increases to like 180 when sprinting. I wish that it would just stay the same.

    Feedback - It's easy to get stuck in the boxes in the warehouse and a bit difficult to get out.

    Feedback - The capitalization on the Hint box is also inconsistent. Sometimes sentences begin with an uppercase letter. Sometimes they begin with a lowercase letter. There is no punctuation at the end of the sentences (as in a period .).

    Feedback - Every time that I am facing a certain direction and then hit Esc and then click the Resume button, I am facing a totally different direction. It would be nice if the camera didn't move while I was clicking main menu buttons.

    Feedback - Some cars drive directly in the middle of the road on top of the divider lines. They should be driving in their own lane.

    Feedback - When waiting outside my house for Amy (after the first time already meeting her), it would make sense to make her car reappear. But instead the parking lot is completely empty.

    Feedback - The characters walk stiff like and they don't take direct paths. They walk straight one way and then rotate 90 degrees and walk another way. Instead of just walking 45 degrees straight light from Point A to Point B. I think that a lot of them walk slower than they are supposed to also. Like the dad in the jail cell and Layla at the airport. The walking animations are okay, but you can tell they were made by a novice developer.

    Feedback - I'm not sure what causes it, but sometimes the camera just spins endlessly after I watch a scene. So I have to hit Esc and then click the Resume button to fix it.

    Feedback - In the scene with Layla at the hotel, Continue is misspelled. (It's not Countinue).

    Feedback - The sex scenes in this game are way too boring. Just one pose that you can view from different angles and then click a Cum button.

    Hey, this is a promising game. So if my feedback seems overly negative and depresses you or makes you feel like giving up, please don't. You have so much potential. Even if this game never becomes "great". Even if it ends up having billions of flaws or never fully delivers, please don't worry about it. Please see it through to the end. And then start a new game. I mean if you reach your limit and are wasting lots of time but can't seem to make the game any better than it is, just start a new game. All that experience builds up. You'll get better and better. One day you'll be making million dollar games. Stick with it! I feel like you should focus on a more polished UI as quickly as possible before anything else. Great looking textboxes or outlined text and better looking UI for the controls (don't use red font) will make the game look way more polished and make the game more enjoyable and captivating.

    I probably won't play this game for a while. I mean you took my feedback seriously and if I play each version, I can provide more and more feedback. But I think that I will wait until the game is done or at least a few more versions before I play again. Thank you for your game. I hope that you keep at developing and improving.

    The Comeback DEMO

    I always say this in my reviews, but there aren't too many 3D games out there with WASD movement and realistic looking characters. So it makes me happy to see another one. I am pretty sure that I finished this first release called The Comeback [Demo]. I have my own place now and I can message a girl named Amy, but she tells me to wait until Wednesday for another rendezvous. I was hoping for a fap game, but this game isn't very sexual. The best sex in the Demo was during the intro scene when some random girl licked my mushroom head. Then the rest of the demo is introducing other characters and advancing the story. And at the end of the demo, you get an actual sex scene with someone but it's not that great because the female looks unnaturally dark skinned with meh looking hair and it's a "camera switch" type scene with only one or two sex poses. It would have been nice if the sex scenes had camera controls like orbit, pan, and zoom. I think that a lot of the female models are good looking, but because of the camera control limitations it's hard to appreciate them. The times that I do see good looking females or something sex related, it feels so distant and it feels like 3DCG stills and pre-recorded 3DCG than actual real 3D. I think that it would be cool if breathing animations were added to the females too so they look more alive. It feels like all of the buildings in the game were personally designed by the developer in Blender and were just assigned different color materials instead of textures. I think that is okay if it reduces the lag and they look realistic and nice enough, but in order to make up for object and environment simplicity, you should make up for it in other areas like the females. I want to be able to get closer looks at them, check out their bodies, feel like they are living breathing human beings, and have full 3D camera control sex with them. The story and environment of the game is pretty good, but I need more than just a story about a tough guy doing tough things for his family. This Demo was very long for a first release, which is good. It was a lot of go to this room type stuff. But there was a long scenic drive. And then more driving and walking between places. But I'm glad that it wasn't a three minute demo. I feel really bad for only giving this game three stars, so I will give it four stars instead. I was just disappointed that I only got to talk to my stepmom and two sisters for a few seconds each, had terrible sex with an unattractive Amy, and don't have much to look forward to because if there is going to be sex with the stepmom and sisters later it will probably have the same bad "camera switch" pre-recorded 3DCG scenes. I will give the game four stars for now, until more people have played the game and tried it out. Then after a while, I will adjust my review and give the game my "true" rating.

    I forgot to include a few more things about the game. I think that the male player character looks good. This game is a bit like GTAV in that you can get in other vehicles that don't belong to you. It's not hijacking cars and the cops won't chase you, but this gives you more vehicle options.

    Feedback - It would be nice if there was a to adjust the sound volume from the menu options.

    Feedback - The escort blowjob sound level was good; I had volume set to 100. The cell phone ringtone was way too loud; I had to lower the volume to 10 or 15. The club music was really bad and also way too loud; I had to lower the volume to 2. The vehicle sounds were also too loud; I had to lower the volume to 2.

    Feedback - It would be nice if the entire game was "Press E" to advance dialogue or the scene. I didn't like how the game started off with an auto forward scene and how there were a few more auto forward scenes later in the game.

    Feedback - Sometimes, like in the first dialogue with Susan, the game will tell us to press "E" to advance the dialogue but the game will keep auto forwarding the text.

    Feedback - The "E" to the left of the dialogue isn't really that great of an indicator on how to advance the dialogue. That's usually where the speaker's name goes. I would change it to "Press E", move it to a different location, or use a more telling sign like an icon of a keyboard key with the letter E on it.

    Feedback - The dialogue grammar and spelling is sometimes decent, but most of the time it is bad. Please find someone who can correct all of your mistakes.

    Feedback - I am not sure you should tell people to "Press F for FPS". FPS means First Person Shooter doesn't it? But every time I was told that, there was no shooting involved. I think that you should just write "First Person". Or FPP for First Person Perspective. Or write "Toggle View". But not FPS because shooting isn't involved and it's not for Frames Per Second.

    Feedback - In First Person mode, the character is around 4'8" to 5' tall. He is only slightly taller than the people sitting down. He was definitely taller than the waitress in Third Person, but in First Person he was shorter than her. You need to raise the camera some in First Person.

    Feedback - Sometimes the mouse cursor is displayed and will go off screen in windowed mode, which is bad when I am trying to look around while moving. And other times I need my mouse cursor and it is invisible and locked in the game window, so I have to Alt + F4 the game since I have no cursor to select dialogue or menu options. The number of times that I lose my mouse cursor when I need it is a LOT. No one wants to keep restarting the game.

    Feedback - If you click the Quit button, the game remembers that I want Windowed mode. But if I am forced to Alt + F4 out of the game, it starts back up in fullscreen.

    Feedback - I wish that there was a way to change the player's name from Liam to something else.

    Feedback - I wish that we could redefine relationships so that the stepmom is mom. Both are considered incest by Patreon, so let us decide what we want.

    Feedback - If we get out of the vehicle, the car will roll forward or backwards most of the time. Please make the car stay perfectly still when we get out.

    Feedback - Any time that I walk up to a character in First Person and I talk to them, my body will keep moving after I am done talking to them. My character should completely stop moving after I am done with a conversation.

    Feedback - I took a little damage in my first fight, and then I didn't recover at all after that when I took a long drive to my stepmom's house and went a couple other places. Health should auto recover after some time.

    Feedback - The sex scene with the "old friend" was so short and simple. I wasn't attracted to her in the first place, but if all sex scenes in the game are going to be like that one, then this becomes less of an adult game and more of a story action game with a tiny bit of adult elements. You should look into making the sex scenes more 3D with camera controls like orbit, pan, and zoom.

    Feedback - I would prefer a different type of "breadcrumb" than red arrows painted on the ground. Like maybe markers on a mini map radar instead.

    Feedback - The combat system wasn't good. I tried dodging at the right moments, but after 5-10 minutes of that and still taking damage and not causing much damage, I just went toe to toe with the opponent and spammed left-click until they went down.

    Feedback - Add more sounds.